Crystal Skull Part 3 – Bonus Level 3: Digger's Delight

True Adventurer: 25,000 studs
Bonus Level Characters: Indiana Jones, Mutt
Unlocks: Nothing

LEVEL ENTRANCE: Once you've unlocked the Ugha Digger (see the Characters page for details), head for the area near the top of the map between the 2 stone bridges. Dig up the ruined stone circle to open the level entrance. Check the Hub Maps and Bonus Level Intro for visuals.

Underground Tomb

(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)

Be sure to pick up the studs hidden behind the wall in the starting area, including a valuable purple stud. Then grab the shovel from the rack on the left and use it to dig up the bits for a ladder. Build it and climb to the level above.

Fight the 2 soldiers here. If you can manage to grab one of the pistols they drop, you can use it to shoot the 3rd soldier on the ledge in the background. Otherwise, use Indy's whip to tie him up so he stops shooting at your characters. Then dig up the sparkling area on the ground in front of the soldier. Smack the treasure chest you unearth to get a gold key and use it to turn the mechanism just below the soldier. This activates the whirling saw and smashes the soldier to bits. (Even if you don't defeat the soldier this way, you might want to dig up the chest anyway to get some extra studs.)

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Get the purple stud hidden in the foreground. Then take the shovel from the rack.

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Dig some bits out of the ground, build a ladder and climb up.

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Fight 2 soldiers off to the right and try to grab one of the guns they drop.

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Use the stolen pistol to shoot the soldier on the ledge.

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Or, if you can't get a gun, use Indy's whip to tie him up.

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Dig a treasure chest out of the ground.

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Use the key you find in the chest to turn the mechanism.
LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
This activates the saw blade and smashes the soldier.

Use Indy's whip to snatch the water bottle down from the ledge where the soldier was standing. Throw the bottle at the center flame in the alcove on the right to put it out. Then grab the spear from the rack that was previously blocked by the fire. You'll need it in a few minutes.

Use Indy's whip again to pull the orange ring on the right wall. This activates the moving platform above the flames. Have Mutt grab the handrail on the wall above the green circle where the orange ring was. Jump from there to the moving platform, then from the platform to the ledge behind it. Use Mutt's wrench to repair the motor, activating another moving platform on the left side of the room.

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Whip the water bottle down off the ledge.

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Use it to extinguish the flames.

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Take the spear from the rack that was previously blocked by fire.

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Then whip the orange ring to activate the moving platform.

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Have Mac jump from handrail to platform to ledge.

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Then repair the motor.

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This activates another platform off to the left.

Jump back down, head to the left and use that platform to get over the wall into the area on the other side. Fight 4 more soldiers there. Sometimes the soldier on the upper level runs into the flames and you don't have to get him yourself. If not, you can use Indy's whip to drag him down and then punch him.

Dig up another treasure chest and then hit it to get the torch inside. Use Indy's whip to pull the orange ring on the left wall to raise the 2 ramps nearby. Head up the first ramp and use the torch to light the fuse on the barrels of dynamite surrounding the bicycle in the back left corner. Then get out of the way before they explode. (Notice Mutt's premature hair loss from the explosion!) Quickly gather the studs left behind after the blast.

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Use the moving platform to get over the wall. Then fight the soldiers below.

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Whip the orange ring to raise the 2 ramps.

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Dig up another chest. . .

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. . . to get the torch inside.

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Use the torch to light the dynamite in the corner.
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Be sure to get out of the way or you'll singe your hair off like Mac. ;) Indy is safe down below.

Smash the plants below the area with the bike and take another spear from the rack. Now go up the second ramp, jump across the gap and turn the crank to raise the small platform to the left. Return to the corner where the dynamite was, get on the bicycle and ride it up the ramp, across the small platform and onto the big orange button. This raises the last platform in this area, just below the button.

Climb over the wall back to the starting area just to the right. Each of your characters should now have a spear. If not, climb the ladder to the area on the far right and get another spear from the rack behind the flames, as described above. Then return to the starting area. Throw spears into the 2 sockets on the back wall and use them to reach the Artifact on the ledge above.

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Before going on, grab a second spear from the rack to the right of the first ramp.

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Go up the ramps, hop over to the ledge on the left and turn the crank to raise the small platform.

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Ride the bike up the ramp, across the platform and onto the orange button.

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This raises the last platform so you can climb back to the starting area.

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Throw the spears into the sockets.
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Then use the spears to climb up to the Artifact.
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