Last Crusade – Treasure Level 2: Castle Quench

True Adventurer: 37,000 studs
Character types needed: Explosives, High Jump (Female)
Unlocks: Nothing

LEVEL ENTRANCE: Any time after unlocking the Bazooka Trooper (see Characters), select him and Elsa and return to the entrance to Castle Brunwald. Follow the gold arrow inside. (Check the Hub Maps and Treasure Level Intro if you need screenshots.)

Castle Interior in Flames

(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)

When you begin the level, the doorway is blocked by metal weapon racks. Use the bazooka to blow them up so you can enter.

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Use the bazooka to blow up the weapon racks blocking the entrance.
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Enter the room and start gathering studs and destroying other breakable objects.

Now make a circuit of the room, gathering loose studs and blowing things up. As you destroy the various breakable objects, watch out for the flames left behind. You don't have to do this in any particular order, but I've included a few notes here just to make sure you get everything.

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Blow up the gears leaning against the wall near the entrance.

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Use the leftover bits to build a key mechanism.

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Turn it to open these two secret panels.

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Also destroy the 2 piles of burning debris in the middle of the floor, shown here. . .

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. . . and here.

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Blow up the bookshelf in the back left corner. . .

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. . . and the pile of debris between the two window alcoves.

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Target the pile on the long, wooden table. . .

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. . . and the silver weapon rack in the
near right corner.

When you're finished, there should be 10 open flames: the seven you revealed by blowing things up, plus one on the floor in the foreground, a second flame on the table, and one on the high shelf in the back right corner.

If you didn't pick them up as you made your way around the room, be sure to get the 2 purple studs: one behind the long table in the middle of the room, the other in the window alcove in the back left corner.

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Don't miss the purple stud hidden here
behind the long table. . .
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. . . and the other in the window alcove at the back left.

Now blow up the suit of armor near the green LEGO plate in the front left corner. Head for the back right corner and stack the loose books in a pile. Switch to Elsa and hop onto the pile of books then to the top of the bookshelf. Pick up the box of bits, hop down to the floor and carry the box to the green plate on the other side of the room.

Use the LEGO pieces from the box and the broken armor to build a lever-like contraption. Then have Elsa jump up and grab the handle to drop the suit of armor onto the cabinet, cracking it open.

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While you're destroying things, blow up the suit of armor near the green plate on the left.

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Stack the loose books in the back right corner.

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Switch to Elsa and use the pile of books to jump onto the high shelf.

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Grab the box of LEGO bits sitting on top of the shelf. . .

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. . . and drop it on the green plate on the other side of the room.

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Use the LEGO pieces from the box and the broken armor to build a lever-like contraption.

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Have Elsa jump up and grab the handle. The
armor then crashes down, opening the cabinet.

The cabinet is full of water bottles. Have each character grab one and begin dousing the flames, returning to the cabinet for more bottles after each throw. When you've put out all 10 fires (shown in the screenshots below), the Artifact appears in place of the last fire. Take it to finish the level.

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Use bottles of water to extinguish the fires. Two are shown above.

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Three more are shown here, including one in the secret passage.

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Two more, on the table and the floor in front of it.

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Another at the right end of the table, on the far right and up on the shelf make 10.

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The Artifact appears in place of the last flame,
whichever it may be. Here it's the one on the shelf.
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