Crystal Skull Part 3 – Bonus Level 5: Cave Capers

True Adventurer: 32,000 studs
Bonus Level Characters: Indiana Jones, Soldier
Unlocks: Nothing

LEVEL ENTRANCE: You'll need either female character plus the Ugha Warrior to get into this Bonus Level. Swim or drive the Car Boat around to the far left side of the map. Climb out on the wooden dock below the cave. Throw a spear into each of the sockets on the wall. Then use the girl character to jump up to the cave. If you like, she can punch the ladder to extend it so the other character can climb up, but this isn't strictly necessary, since you get new characters inside the level anyway. Check the Hub Maps and Bonus Level Intro if you need screenshots.

Underground Crypt with Quicksand

If you move to the left side of the starting ledge, you can use the Soldier's pistol to shoot the 3 Ugha warriors on the other side of the quicksand. You may only be able to target the first enemy, but if you just shoot in that direction, you should be able to hit the others as well.

Then switch to Indy and use the orange rings to whip swing across to the left. This crossing is a little tricky. To avoid slipping into the quicksand, as soon as Indy catches the first ring with his whip, press Up to climb up the whip a little so his feet don't drag in the quicksand. Then jump to the left, press Attack to whip the second ring and quickly climb up. Finally, jump to the left once more to land on solid ground. Turn the crank on the left to raise a platform so the Soldier can cross over.

Have each character grab a water bottle from the chest and carry it back to the right. Throw water on the flames until all are extinguished.

Now Indy can whip swing across to the right, quickly climbing up the whip after each jump just as he did earlier, so he doesn't slip into the quicksand. There are 3 Ugha warriors waiting at the top of the steps. Run up and deal with them before they can throw too many spears at Indy. Just watch out for the flames on each side of the steps.

When the coast is clear, turn the crank at the bottom of the stairs to raise another platform so the Soldier can join Indy. Use the Soldier's pistol to shoot the bull's-eye target on the left to open the nearby gate.

Hop across the ledges—including one ledge that moves up and down in the quicksand—to reach the small ledge against the back wall. There you'll find a lit torch in a sconce on the wall.

Carry the torch back to the left, climb the steps and use the torch to light the dynamite. Then wait at the bottom of the steps for the explosion. Afterward, quickly run up and gather the studs left behind. Then have both characters step on the 2 red buttons to activate the moving platform on the left.

Have each grab a bottle of water from the chest near the buttons and then hop across the platforms to the left. Use the water bottles to douse the flames on the next ledge. Then you can jump across to the Artifact.

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