Crystal Skull Part 1 – Bonus Level 4: Interrogation Room
True Adventurer: 40,000 studs
Bonus Level Characters: Indiana Jones, General Ross
Unlocks: Nothing
LEVEL ENTRANCE: This level takes place inside the bunker at the bottom right of the hub map, near Hangar 51. Use Mutt to repair the generator and open the blast door so you can get in. (The Bonus Level Intro and Hub Maps have details.)
Concrete Bunker with Lava Pool
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
Go up the ramp on the right and approach the edge of the lava pool. Use Ross's bazooka to destroy the agents on the other side of the pool. Then have Indy whip swing across using the 2 orange rings. Once he reaches the other side, he can finish off any leftover enemies then turn the crank to raise a ledge so Ross can come over.
![]() Shoot the agents across the lava. |
![]() Whip swing across to the right. |
![]() Turn the crank to raise a ledge so Ross can cross. |
Use Ross's bazooka to blow up the silver chest on the right in order to get the golden key inside. Use it to turn the mechanism on the left to activate the moving platforms above the lava. Jump across the platforms to the ledge in the back right corner. Then have Indy whip swing across to the left using the set of 3 orange rings. Fight another agent here. Then use the lever to start the second small platform moving so Ross can join Indy.
Have Ross shoot the bull's-eye target on the left to open the doors in front of the Jeep, which is just beyond the wall to the left.
Make your way back around to the start via the moving platforms and/or orange rings. Then drive the jeep across to the near right corner and onto the orange button. This activates a laser beam that opens the doors near the button.
Go inside and turn the crank to drain the lava from the pool revealing the Artifact. Drop into the pool but don't touch the treasure chest yet. As soon as you do, the level ends. So unless you're doing a time trial, take a minute to gather enough studs for "True Adventurer" first.
![]() Make your way back around the room to the Jeep. Then drive it to the right. |
![]() Drive over the button to open the doors. |
![]() Turn the crank to drain the lava pool revealing the Artifact. |
< < < Bonus Level 3 | Return to the Hub | Bonus Level 5 > > > |