Crystal Skull Part 1 – Treasure Level 2: Dummy Run
True Adventurer: 40,000 studs
Character types needed: Security Clearance, Excavate, Repair
Unlocks: Nothing
LEVEL ENTRANCE: You'll need the Russian Digger to play this level, since he has both military clearance and a shovel, as well as Mutt for his repair ability. The entrance is the same model home you used to enter the Doom Town Story Level. (See the Hub Maps and Treasure Level Intro if you need directions.)
Demolished House
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
Have the Russian Digger approach the guardhouse and knock on the door. His military uniform shows the guard he has the proper security clearance and the guard opens the storage shed on the left. Grab the box of bits inside and drop it on the green plate next to the contraption in the middle of the yard.
Dig up the sparkling patch of earth in the front right corner of the yard. Add the blue gears you find to the contraption. Build on the parts you dropped on the green plate earlier. Then switch to Mutt and have him repair the contraption.
Once the device is activated, it emits a signal that brings all the mannequins to life. You'll need to fight them as you explore the rest of the area. Fortunately they move slowly and aren't too hard to destroy.
Use the pile of bits near the stoop to build a ladder. Climb up onto the balcony and enter the house. Fight more dummies inside and break the pile of LEGO planks to get more studs and reveal a hole in the floor. After exploring on this level, drop down through the hole into the kitchen. Fight more dummies and gather more studs. There's also a pistol sitting on the floor at the back of the room. Grab it if you like and exit through the doorway in the back left corner.
![]() Build a ladder to climb up into the house. |
![]() Smash the boards and fall through the floor. |
![]() Grab the pistol and go through the door in the back left corner of the kitchen. |
Go through the hallway with the blocked staircase to the living room. Destroying the mannequins here. (There's a another pistol on the floor in the front left corner if you need it.) Then rebuild the sofa and armchair and use them to bounce up to the hole in the ceiling.
Smash up the bathroom and use the dangling rope and handrails to climb up onto the roof. Gather a few more studs around the edges of the roof and then take the Artifact to finish the level.
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