Crystal Skull Part 1 – Treasure Level 1: Forklift Fun

True Adventurer: 47,000 studs
Character types needed: Security Clearance, Repair
Unlocks: Nothing

LEVEL ENTRANCE: This level is housed in the quonset hut in the open army base at the bottom center of the map. The first time you approach after beating the Doom Town Story Level, a bunch of soldiers emerge from the quonset hut. Fight them until you find and defeat the one character you can unlock: Russian (U.S. Disguise). You'll need him and Mutt to complete this level. (See the Hub Maps and Treasure Level Intro if necessary.)

Secret Government Warehouse

Climb the stack of wooden crates on the left and push the brown container along the checkerboard tiles and onto the scissor lift. When the container crashes to the floor, use Mutt's to add the blue bits to the broken forklift. Then repair the forklift so it's driveable.

Switch to the Russian soldier, approach the guardhouse on the right and press Use to knock. Since your character appears to have the proper security clearance, the guard will open the gate for you.

Once you've passed through the gate into the right side of the warehouse, climb the scaffolding to the left of the second forklift to retrieve a box of bits. Drop it on one of the green plates. Climb the pile of crates on the right to find a second box of bits. Drop it on the other green plate. Then add all the loose bits to the forklift. Get in by pressing Free Tag and drive back over to the left side of the room.

Position one forklift on each of the orange buttons to open the gate, but do not grab the artifact yet! First, be sure you've smashed every breakable object, including the crates in the foreground and the ones up on the scaffolds. If you do, you'll have almost enough studs for "True Adventurer" by the time you open the gate. Then just climb the handrails on the back wall to the left corner. The purple stud hovering there should put you over the top.

When you're ready to go, climb the ladder to the Artifact to finish the level.

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