Crystal Skull Part 2 – Bonus Level 3: Graveyard Tomb

True Adventurer: 20,000 studs
Bonus Level Characters: Indiana Jones, Mutt
Unlocks: Nothing

LEVEL ENTRANCE: Unlock one of the characters with explosives (i.e., the Russian Officer or Russian Grenadier) and return to the cemetery near the airfield. Blow up the silver door on the right. This is the 3rd Bonus Level entrance. (See the Bonus Level and Hub Map intros for details.)

Outdoor Area with Quicksand

Watch out for the huge pool of quicksand that makes up most of this area. You'll need to raise a series of platforms to make your way across.

First, use Indy's whip to pull the orange ring high on the left. This activates a moving platform just ahead in the quicksand. Then turn the crank to raise a second platform just beyond the first. The first platform continues to rise and sink so be careful as you jump across to the area in the far left corner.

Watch out for the holes in the floor as you fight the 2 cemetery warriors and their king. The king drops a sword when you defeat him. Use it to cut the rope on the right, just below the ledge with the green cacti. This raises another moving platform near the next island to the right.

Have Indy swing on the dangling rope, jump to the right and use his whip to grab the orange ring. Swing back and forth on the whip until the platform you just raised moves up out of the quicksand. Jump onto it and then quickly run onto the solid ledge before the platform sinks again. Climb the ledges and fight 2 more warriors. Then turn the crank to raise another platform in the quicksand so Mutt can join Indy.

Use Mutt to repair the generator and lower the platform just to the left. Climb up and turn the crank on the ledge to raise 2 more platforms in the quicksand pool. Use these to cross the pool to the area in the foreground. Turn the crank there to raise 3 small platforms in the quicksand. Be sure to grab the purple stud near the wall before you leave this ledge.

Hop across the 3 small platforms to the area in the back right corner. Fight one more cemetery warrior here, taking care not to fall through the holes in the floor. Then continue past where he was standing to get the Artifact.

< < < Bonus Level 2 Return to the Hub Bonus Level 4 > > >