Crystal Skull Part 2 – Story Level 4: Rainforest Rumble

True Adventurer: 150,000 studs
Characters: Indiana Jones, Oxley
Unlocks: Russian Officer

LEVEL ENTRANCE: First, you'll need to unlock the Jungle Cutter. Then get in and drive out the left side of the campsite. The Cutter will make short work of the palm trees blocking the way. Continue down the road and around to the right. As usual, a green arrow points the way into the level. See the Story Level Intro page for details and screenshots.

Rainforest Roads and Paths

Indy and Oxley start the level on a dirt road in the forest. There's a Jungle Cutter and a Jeep nearby. Like the Motorbike Mayhem level in Crystal Skull Part 1, you'll need to eliminate several waves of enemy vehicles (the ones with red triangle icons above them) to advance, and you'll also find other vehicles (with white triangles) that you can take by moving close and pressing the Free Tag button. There are a few times where you'll need specific vehicles to proceed. I'll mention those below, but for now, start by getting into the Cutter and following the road downhill, through the stand of brown LEGO trees, then to the left.

The first group of enemies includes 4 Jeeps with mounted machine guns. They drive more or less counter-clockwise around the central quicksand pool. So if you drive around the pool clockwise, you should be able to run into all of the enemy Jeeps fairly quickly.

The second wave consists of 3 Jeeps and a truck. These guys drive around the roads on the left side of the map. They move counter-clockwise as well. So you can either drive around clockwise and smash them head on or follow and hit them from behind. If you don't see them right away, follow the red arrows at the edges of the screen to locate the nearest enemy.

When you've destroyed the second wave, a third group appears: 6 more Jeeps. You won't see them right away, though. They stick to the roads on the right side of the map, which are not connected to the starting area.

You can use this break in the action to gather studs. Achieving "True Adventurer" on your first pass through the level without any treasure multiplying Extras can be a challenge. There are enough studs available, but unless you're very good with the vehicle controls, you'll probably drive off an edge and lose some studs at least a few times. Use the Cutter to mow down all the greenery you can find. Most LEGO plants can be smashed. Don't forget to explore the paths along the top and left sides of the map. There are more studs and breakable plants along these trails. You won't reach 150,000 studs in the first area, but you can make a good start.

When you're ready to take on the third wave of enemies, you'll need to clear a path to them first. Take the Cutter and drive down along the left side of the map until you come to the road running along the cliff edge. Drive carefully to the right, mowing down the thick trees along the road, but don't try to jump across the canyon in the Cutter. You won't make it. Instead, move the Cutter out of the way and find a smaller vehicle. I recommend the Jeep with the mounted machine gun, since it's fast, maneuverable and has firepower. (Even if you're playing alone, one character can drive while the other works the gun. Just press Attack to shoot.) Get into the smaller vehicle and drive straight along the bottom of the map as fast as you can to jump across the river.

Now that you're no longer using the Cutter, you can take advantage of the vehicle powerups lying around. There are the same orange and green orbs as in the Motorbike Mayhem level in Hub 1. These give you speed and jump boosts, respectively. You'll also find blue orbs that enhance the machine gun mounted on the Jeep. To use a power-up, drive through it and then press the button indicated on screen to activate the power. Power-ups only last for a little while but reappear in the same locations each time.

There's a blue weapon powerup near the bottom right corner of the map, on the dead-end road just beyond the white barriers. Avoid the powerup as you crash through the barriers and continue to the end of this road, where you'll find a nice cache of studs. Then drive back the way you came, pick up the powerup and head up the hill in pursuit of the enemy Jeeps. The weapon powerup will help you eliminate enemies faster.

Now drive around the maze of roads in this lower right part of the map. Follow the red arrows at the edge of the screen to find the enemy Jeeps if you lose track of them. If you accidentally drive off the cliff and end up in the starting area, just make your way to the left side of the map, down and along the bottom again. Jump the gap above the river and continue where you left off.

When you've taken care of those 6 Jeeps, Spalko's Jungle Cutter appears on the road near the start of the level. You can't damage a Cutter with a little Jeep, so you'll need to drive off the cliff at the top left side of this area to get back to the start. Locate one of the available Cutters and get in. Then just follow Spalko around, bumping into her vehicle from behind until you destroy it. At that point, the level ends.

NOTE: If you don't manage to get "True Adventurer" the first time through, don't worry. You can always replay the level now that you know where everything is. Or try again later after you've unlocked one or more of the treasure multiplying Extras.

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