Last Crusade – Story Level 1: Coronado Caper

True Adventurer: 35,000 studs
Bonus Level Characters: Indiana Jones, Sallah (Fez)
Unlocks: Elsa

LEVEL ENTRANCE: The story begins aboard the S.S. Coronado on storm-tossed seas. Use Indy's whip to pull the orange ring and open a hatch. Step inside and Indy will be blown out of the smokestack onto the upper deck. If you don't manage to get the hovering studs on the right, just climb up on the left and use the orange ring on the mast to swing out over the smokestack. The updraft should then carry you over to the studs. You can also turn the gold key to get a few extra studs. Hop down on the right and follow the green arrow into the level. (See the Story Level Intro if you need visuals.)

Ship's Deck in a Storm

Throughout this level Indy and Sallah will be shot at by the Panama Hat Man and attacked by numerous sailors. Do your best to fend off the sailors and pick up the hearts they sometimes drop, but don't worry about fighting them all since they'll just continue to respawn. Note that Sallah's shovel works very well for smacking sailors. So if you're playing co-op, have Sallah defend while Indy breaks and builds things.

Unless you're very agile, your character will probably be killed at least a few times. If you're playing alone, try to press the Free Tag button to switch characters just before your character shatters. Then you won't lose any studs. Otherwise, wait for your smashed character to respawn and try to pick up as many of the lost studs as possible before they disappear. There are also 3 purple studs in the level to help make up for those losses. One is in the left foreground at the start. One is behind the tall, tarp-covered crates on the right side of the deck. One is behind a hatch, so you can't get it right away, but it's mentioned below.

Break up the crates and barrels in the far right corner of the deck. Then use Indy's whip to yank the orange ring on the crate dangling from the mast. The crate falls and smashes. Then you can whip the ring again and climb up to get the hovering blue stud. Now use the piles of LEGO bits to build a harpoon gun and 2 red buttons. Have each character step on one of the buttons to fire a harpoon at the Panama Hat Man, stealing one of his hearts.

A short cut scene shows a wave crashing over the side of the boat. The Panama Hat Man then hops down from the ledge up on the right, opens a hatch and disappears, only to emerge on the ledge on the left.

The Panama Hat Man continues shooting at Indy and Sallah as more sailors attack. Do your best to fend them off or just try to avoid them as you continue.

Smash the green barrels on the left and use the leftover bits to build 2 round pipe fittings on the wall. Then use Indy's whip to pull the orange ring on the crate blocking the hatch the PHM went through earlier. Hit the debris left behind to free the L-shaped pipe lodged in the doorway. Pick up the pipe, carry it to the left and attach it to the 2 green fittings you built a moment ago.

After moving the pipe, return to the hatch and step inside to get the third purple stud. Then turn the crank to the left of the pipe to sound the foghorn.

Another brief cut scene shows the Panama Hat Man startling at the loud noise. As another wave washes over the deck, the bad guy hops down from the ledge and flees to the top of the crates with the box of dynamite. When the game resumes you see he's lost a second heart. One more to go.

Fight more sailors and try to avoid the dynamite the PHM throws down at you as you smash the new barrels and crates that have appeared on the deck. Use the green bits to build a floor plate. Then pick up the box of bits on the left side of the deck and drop it on the green plate. Then use the various piles of bits to build a winch. Turn the gold key to activate the winch and swing the 2 beams around to the right as far as they will go.

Now switch to Indy if you aren't already controlling him. Stand under the lower of the 2 orange rings and use your whip to grab it. Swing over to the right, jump and whip the second ring while in midair. Climb up the whip a little if necessary and then jump over to where the Panama Hat Man is standing to end the level.

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