Last Crusade – Story Level 2: Brunwald Blaze

True Adventurer: 50,000 studs
Bonus Level Characters: Henry Jones, Indiana Jones
Unlocks: Henry Jones, Bike 'n' Side

LEVEL ENTRANCE: Approach the gate in the stone wall surrounding Castle Brunwald. To get inside, have Elsa jump up and grab the handrail on the left. This opens a panel on the right revealing an orange ring. Use Indy's whip to pull the ring and open the gate. Inside, step on the 2 red buttons to reveal another orange ring. Whip it to extend the drawbridge. Cross over and enter the castle. (Check the Hub Maps and Story Level Intro for details and screenshots.)

Castle Interior in Flames

Indy and his father begin the level tied to chairs. Hop up and down or just wait a moment and they'll break free on their own. Then use Indy's whip to grab the orange ring above on the left. Swing back and forth above the flames to gain a little height. Then jump to the left and immediately press the Whip button again to snag the second orange ring before Indy falls into the fire. Swing and jump to the left again to land beyond the burning floor.

Whip one of the water bottles into Indy's hand. Then turn and throw it on the flames. Repeat until all the flames under the orange rings have been extinguished. Now Henry can join his son on the left side of the room.

If you like you can turn the gold key on the player piano to play some music and get a few extra studs. Then smash the weapon rack next to the piano and step into the alcove behind it to get a purple stud. Smack the bookshelves on the back wall until all the books fall out onto the floor. Then replace them, spelling out the word 'INDY' with books, and gaining scads of studs in the process. Unless you're racing against the clock, smash the rest of the furniture on this side of the flames to get all the available studs.

Now to get past those flames. Smash the suit of armor to the right of the bookshelf and use the leftover bits to build a handrail beneath the LEGO Mona Lisa. Have one character grab a sword or axe from the rack you destroyed earlier. Then have the other hang on the handrail to open a secret passage. While one character continues to hang from the rail, keeping the secret door open, switch back to the character with the sword and go through the passage to emerge on the other side of the flames.

Throw the sword to cut the cable and open the red curtain. Turn the gold key as far as it will go. This keeps the secret passage open permanently so the other character can let go of the handrail and come through.

Grab water bottles from the table and use them to extinguish the flames in the corner to the right of the 3 red buttons. When the flames are out, pick up the box of LEGO bits and drop it on the green plate. Use the leftover bits to build a ladder.

Climb up and push the suit of armor off the ledge. Then hop down and rebuild the armor on top of one of the 3 red buttons. Have Indy and his father stand on the other buttons to rotate the secret panel in the fireplace. This is the level exit.

Before leaving, take a few moments to pick up any studs you haven't already retrieved. There are several hidden behind the long table, and if you hit the bookshelf on the far right, you can then stack the loose books and use them to reach the top of the shelf. From there, you can jump up to get the hovering blue stud. The weapon racks and the standards with the purple banners are also breakable.

When you're ready to go, step through the opening where the fireplace was to finish the level.

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