Raiders of the Lost Ark – Bonus Level 2: Airstrip Hangar

True Adventurer: 6,000 studs
Bonus Level Characters: Indiana Jones, Jock
Unlocks: Nothing

LEVEL ENTRANCE: The entrance to this level is inside the fenced area on the big island. You'll need to complete all Story Levels and unlock Belloq in order to get in. (See the Characters page, Hub Maps and Bonus Level Intro for details and screenshots.)

Multi-Level Building with Lava

From the U-shaped ledge near the start, jump over the lava pool to the ledge on the left. Push the brown box along the checkerboard tiles to the left then toward the background. Hop across the moving platforms in front of the pellet-shooting LEGO head to the ledge in the near left corner. Use Indy's whip to grab the spear from the rack above on the left. Then hop back across to the right with it.

Throw the spear into the socket above the brown box you moved earlier. Then jump onto the box, then to the spear, then to the ledge in the background. Jump past the 2 circular saws on the left as they retract. (There's a wrench hidden in a planter between the saws. If you take it, Indy can complete the level by himself. But you won't really need this since you have Jock.) Grab a pistol from the chest on the far left, hop back over the saws and shoot the bull's-eye target to open the gate just to the right. Go through the gate and pull the lever to activate a moving platform near the starting point.

Hop down from the ledge with the lever and make your way across the lava pool to next ledge on the right. Then carefully hop over the brown trapdoors above lava that open as you pass. Turn the crank to raise a platform in the lava and hop across to the ledge on the right.

If you didn't pick up the wrench earlier, switch to Jock now and have him smash the plants in the corner and grab a spear from the rack. Jump back to the small platform and throw the spear into the socket on the wall. Jump to grab the spear and then jump across the handrails to the ledge on the left. Pull the lever there to turn on the fan below on the left.

Jump back down to the ledge between the trapdoors. Then hop over to the left and ride the breeze from the fan onto the ledge above. Repair the motor to activate the second moving platform near the level start. Return there now and use the 2 moving platforms to reach the high ledge with the Artifact.

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