Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Part 1 – Colored Bricks
Each hub map includes 30 hidden LEGO bricks—10 red, 10 green and 10 blue. Once you've located all the bricks of one color, a package containing a special power or cheat drops from the sky. When you approach the parcel, you'll have the opportunity to spend some of the studs you've collected to purchase it and unlock the associated ability. (See the screenshots below, the Hub Maps and the Extras page for more info.)
Keep in mind that you won't be able to access all parts of the hub map at first. As you play through the game, you'll gradually open up new areas.
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
These are hidden inside the red fire hydrants. Smash each hydrant to reveal the brick. Collect all 10 red bricks and the package with the Score x2 Extra falls from above and lands in one of three random locations, shown at the bottom of the page. This bonus costs 1,000,000 studs to unlock, so you probably won't be able to afford it right away. Return later when you've collected enough studs to buy it. (Again, check the Extras page for details.)

Red Brick 1 – At the end of the street near the starting point, just to the left of the small college building with the ladder leading up to the roof.

Red Brick 2 – On the edge of the street near the railroad crossing, about halfway between the mailbox with the banana and the tree with the monkey.

Red Brick 3 – On the lawn across the street from the building with the sign showing a big TV.

Red Brick 4 – On the sidewalk in front of the building with the billboard of the motorcycle rider.

Red Brick 5 – At the top of the map, near the end of the street with the wrought iron gate. Next to the building with the curved walkway in front.
 Red Brick 6 – In the Doom Town area on thesidewalk at the end of the cul-de-sac.
 Red Brick 7 – In front of the gas station.

Red Brick 8 – In the open army base near the bottom of the map. The hydrant is in front of the Quonset hut near the Sabre Jet.

Red Brick 9 – Also in the open army base area, near the crank that operates the crane.

Red Brick 10 – At the back of the guarded compound in the left corner of the map.
These appear when you smash the small flowerpots with multi-colored blooms. Find all 10 green bricks and a box containing the Disguise Extra parachutes down in one of three random locations, shown at the bottom of the page. This Extra costs only 10,000 studs. (See the Extras page for details.)

Green Brick 1 – In front of the corner café in the College Town area.

Green Brick 2 – At the top of the map, near the end of the street with the iron gate and fruit cart.

Green Brick 3 – Smash the hydrant to get red brick 5. Ride the water jet up to the awning and bounce up onto the roof with the flowerpot.

Green Brick 4 – On the roof of the building with the billboard of the motorcycle rider. Climb the ladder on the TV store to reach the roof.

Green Brick 5 – In Doom Town at the corner of the blue house with the crate of bottles in front of it.

Green Brick 6 – On the porch of the house near the railroad crossing on the right side of College Town.

Green Brick 7 – Smash the trash cans in front of the garages near the railroad tracks. Use Indy's whip to pull the orange rings and open the doors. The garage on the left contains the flowerpot.

Green Brick 8 – Under the trees at the back of the vacant lot between College Town and the guarded compound with Hangar 52.

Green Brick 9 – In the open army base near the bottom of the map, use the crank to operate the crane, lifting the metal grate off the hole in the ground. The flowerpot is inside.

Green Brick 10 – At the back of the guarded compound in the left corner of the map.
These are disguised with bright green cacti. Smash each cactus to get the brick inside. When you've found all 10 blue bricks a package containing the Fast Fix Extra drops from the sky. It lands in one of three random locations, shown at the bottom of the page. Approach the box and select "Buy" to pay 300,000 studs and unlock it. (See the Extras page for details.)

Blue Brick 1 – In the Doom Town area, near the small rocket ship ride by the gate.

Blue Bricks 2 & 3 – Alongside the dirt road connecting the College Town and Doom Town areas.
 Blue Brick 4 – Near the start of the hotrod race.
 Blue Bricks 5, 6 & 7 – In the vacant lot between the town and the guarded army compound.

Blue Brick 8 – In the scrubby area in front of the gas station.

Blue Brick 9 – Outside the gate to the guarded army compound on the left.
 Blue Brick 10 – At the bottom of the map, near the bunker that houses the Interrogation Room Bonus Level.
Each of the packages containing the Extras drops in one of the three locations shown below. Occasionally two may fall in the same location.
 One package drops near the gas station.
 One drops near the Sabre Jet landing strip.
 One falls just outside the Doom Town gate. |