Crystal Skull Part 1 – Treasure Level 5: Target Training
True Adventurer: 41,000 studs
Character types needed: Pistol, High Jump (Female)
Unlocks: Nothing
LEVEL ENTRANCE: The entrance to this level is the same as the Crane Train Story Level: the train car at the railroad crossing near College Town. (Check the Treasure Level Intro and Hub Maps if necessary to get oriented.)
Moving Train at Night
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
Your characters begin on top of a speeding train, with a second train carrying circus animals moving alongside. Use the female character to jump up and get the blue and purple studs hovering above the train where you're standing. As long as you don't die before getting all 5 studs, you should get "True Adventurer" right away. If the female character does falls off the train, try to press Free Tag quickly to switch to the male character before she shatters.
The red arrow at the left is the exit for the level if you wish to leave early. Be careful not to jump toward it if you do not wish to exit.
![]() Use your girl character to reach the studs hovering above the train. |
![]() This should unlock "True Adventurer" immediately. |
Switch to the character with the pistol. Stand near the middle of the train, facing the tan crate on the other train, and shoot each of the bull's-eye targets as it rises. The targets do not light up, but they will face you when they are raised. Aim as usual by holding the Attack button and using the direction keys, right stick or Wii remote to move the blue targeting reticule. When you see a white circle, this means your shot will hit the target, even if your aim isn't perfect. Just release the Attack button to fire.
This sequence is a little tricky, since the targets don't rise in order from left to right. But if you try a few times, you'll be able to anticipate which bull's eye will rise next so you can aim at it before it pops up. Then, as soon as it does, shoot it and start aiming for the next one. If you miss or are too slow, you'll have to start again with the target on the far left. Here's the sequence:
First car (on far left): left, right, middle.
Middle car: first, third, second, fourth.
Last car (on far right): middle, right, left.
When you've hit all the bull's eyes in order, the Artifact appears at the front of the train. Grab it to finish the level.
< < < Treasure Level 4 | Return to the Hub | Bonus Level 1 > > > |