Crystal Skull Part 2 – Story Level 2: Tomb Doom
True Adventurer: 60,000 studs
Characters: Indiana Jones, Mutt
Unlocks: Cemetery Warrior
LEVEL ENTRANCE: After escaping from the asylum, you emerge in the graveyard below the airfield. Push the carved monument along the checkerboard tiles until it sinks into a hole, allowing you to pass. Then continue to the right and use Indy's whip to pull the orange ring and open the shed door. Inside you'll find a shovel. Go down the steps on the left and dig in the sparkling patches on the ground. You'll need to dig several times to unearth the tomb entrance. (See the Hub Maps and Story Level Intro page for screenshots.)
Conquistadors' Tomb
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
There are a few breakable objects off to the left and down in the pit. To get back out of the pit, climb the ladder and jump to the ledge on the left side, since the plants on the right tend to get in the way.
![]() To climb out of the pit, jump from the top of the ladder to the ledge on the left. |
When you've gathered as many studs as you can, head down the steps to the right and fight off a squad of cemetery warriors. It's best to move in close and punch them or hit them with Mutt's wrench, since they won't use their blowguns at close range. Use Indy's whip to drag the box of jars by its orange ring. You can then jump onto the box and into the alcove to get some valuable studs. When you're ready to move on, use the whip to pull the other orange ring to open the door.
![]() Fight the warriors with blowguns. |
![]() Drag the box of jars under the alcove. . . |
![]() . . . and use it to reach the studs inside. |
![]() Then pull the second ring to open the door. |
Follow the corridor to a gap in the floor with a dangling vine. Jump across the gap, smash the skeleton and steal its shovel. Slide down the vine into the cavern below. (If you stop off on the left ledge, watch out for the spike trap on the ceiling.
In the room below on the right, fight some more cemetery warriors. Then use Indy's whip to open the alcove with the orange ring. Switch to Mutt and repair the generator to open the door on the right.
Go through, dig up the jeweled skull, carry it down the stairs and place it on one of the green plates on the giant, tilted disk. Gather the studs below the edge of the disk on the right. Just watch out for the spiked roller. Then get the second jeweled skull in the back left corner of the room and place it on the other green plate. With both skulls in place, the disk no longer teeter-totters back and forth. Also, a dangling vine extends from the ceiling ahead, enabling you to swing across the spiked roller and enter the next room.
Mutt's arachnophobia prevents him from fighting the scorpions. So have Indy squash the bugs. (Mutt can help later if they encounter any snakes.) When the coast is clear, smash the crypt in the right corner to get the conquistador's spear. Throw it into the socket on the back wall and use it to reach the handrail above. Jump from there to the high ledge. Smash the coffin to get a blue-and-white shield, which you can then place on one of the 3 green plates down below.
The skeletons in the back corners of the room hold the second and third shields. Smash the skeletons, pick up the shields and drop them on the other two green plates. Use the bits to complete the main tomb, which opens to reveal the Crystal Skull. Take it to trigger a cut scene.
The Cemetery Warrior King steals the Skull and runs off to the left. Follow him. Use the dangling vine to swing back across the spiked roller onto the big disk. Continue up the stairs and through the room with the generator that Mutt fixed earlier. Climb the next dangling vine, smash 2 scorpions on the ledge to the right and then move quickly under the spiked ceiling into the next room. Run along the outer edge of the next passageway to avoid the ceiling spikes and the spinning blade that pops out of the back wall. Continue to the left, jumping carefully over the 2 spike pits as the spikes retract. That way you can grab the hovering purple studs and not get skewered. Then climb the ladder to emerge at the bottom of the pit near the start of the level.
Climb the ladder on the back wall of the pit to get back up top. The Cemetery Warrior King jumps from the top of the ladder to the ledge on the right, but it's easier to jump to the left. This way, you avoid the plants blocking the way on the right and you don't jump directly into the swarm of scorpions. The King uses the Crystal Skull to protect him from the bugs. You'll just have to avoid them for now.
Move around to the left and then step out onto the planks laid across the rim of the pit. Stand on this bridge facing the scorpion swarm, and the King should come to you. Smack him repeatedly with Indy's whip and before long you'll have taken away all of his hearts. Once he's defeated, he drops the Crystal Skull and runs away.
Pick up the skull, which will repel the scorpions. If you still don't have "True Adventurer" you can take the time to backtrack and gather more studs if you like. When you're ready, go through the doorway behind the bug swarm to finish the level.
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