Crystal Skull Part 2 – Story Level 3: Mac Attack

True Adventurer: 18,000 studs
Characters: Indiana Jones, Mutt, Marion
Unlocks: Oxley, Marion, Mac, Soldier
Vehicles Unlocked: None

LEVEL ENTRANCE: Head to the lower right corner of the cemetery and cross the narrow land bridge above the river. Now that Indy has the Crystal Skull, the swarm of bugs on the path ahead will avoid him. Pick up the wheel and insert it into the red block. Jump on top of it to blow up the dynamite, shifting the boulders off the path. Move down into the camp and enter the tent with the green arrow. (See the Hub Maps and Story Level Intro page for screenshots.)

Clearing in the Rainforest

(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)

Indy, Mutt and Marion start the level in a flat area between a pool of quicksand on the left and a snake pit on the right. Falling into either one is deadly. Also, Indiana's phobia prevents him from getting too close to the snake pit, but Marion can jump across the pit to get the studs there.

As the level progresses, Spalko calls in several waves of enemies, starting with a squad of 5 unarmed soldiers. These guys are not hard to fight, and since they won't be shooting at you, this is a good time to explore the area, smashing plants and small bugs to collect studs.

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Avoid the quicksand on the left and the snake pit on the right.

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Marion can jump over the snake pit to get the studs on the other side.

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Try to avoid beating the last soldier in the first
group as you smash enough scenery to achieve
"True Adventurer."

When you've defeated the first group, Spalko uses her walkie-talkie to summon the second wave: 6 soldiers with guns. More unarmed soldiers in green and a few giant spiders appear as well. Fight them when it's convenient, but concentrate on the ones with the brown uniforms, since beating them moves things along.

To fight the soldiers on the platform beyond the snake pit, switch to Marion and have her jump across. Or, use Indy's whip either to lasso the soldiers themselves or pull the orange rings and collapse the platform, dumping the bad guys into the pit. When using Indy, just be careful not to get too close to the edge of the pit or he'll panic and stop fighting. If you're quick, you can also pick up one of the guns the soldiers drop. Then use it against the others.

If you run low on health, try squishing the tiny bugs scurrying around; they sometimes release hearts.

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When you've defeated the first squad, Spalko radios for reinforcements.

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Use the whip to drag a soldier off the platform. Or, pull one of the orange rings. . .

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. . . to collapse the platform, dropping the soldier into the pit.
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Smash the tiny bugs. They sometimes release health.

Once you've taken care of the second wave, Spalko summons the third. This time it's 8 soldiers with machine guns who rappel down from above, as well as various, soldiers with pistols and unarmed men in green. Now and then a random giant spider will appear as well. Defend yourself when the other enemies approach but, again, try and concentrate on the machine gunners in brown in order to advance. Here it helps a lot to steal a machine gun after an enemy drops one. This powerful weapon will make short work of the remaining soldiers.

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Some defeated enemies will drop their weapons.
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You can pick up these guns and use them.

When you've beaten her gunners, Spalko summons Mac. He appears on the far right side of this area, on the other side of the bridge over the small quicksand pit. He's armed with a machine gun and has 2 riflemen with him. More soldiers and giant spiders appear and continue to respawn. So, again, fight any enemies that get in your way, but concentrate on Mac. It's only by defeating him that you can finish the level.

You can use Indy's whip to pull the orange ring next to the bridge to drop one of the riflemen into the quicksand. The bridge then pops back up so you can run across and hit Mac. He'll leap away, moving to the middle of the clearing. Steal a pistol, machine gun or rifle if there's one handy. Then follow Mac and either shoot, whip or punch him some more. He'll move a little farther to the left. Pursue and hit him again.

When he's down to just a few hearts, he'll jump across the snake pit and take up a position on the platform there. If you have a gun, just shoot him from across the pit. Otherwise, use Indy's whip to pull the orange ring below where he's standing to dump him into the pit. When he's finished, so is the level.

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Mac appears on the far right with 2 riflemen.

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If you like, you can whip the ring to drop one rifleman into the quicksand.

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Cross the bridge and hit Mac. He'll immediately jump away.

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You'll find him on the left near the big tree.
Hit him again.

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Or, if you can pick up a dropped weapon,
use it to shoot him.
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When he's down to 2 hearts, he'll flee across the snake pit. Either shoot him or use Indy's whip to collapse the platform beneath him.
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