LEGO Indiana Jones for Nintendo DS - Cheat Codes
Enter the following codes on the game's title screen. You should hear a sound like the snapping together of two LEGO bricks when a code is entered correctly. Then choose "New Game" or "Load Game" from the menu to start or load a game with the cheat on.
Note that "L" and "R" are the Left and Right shoulder buttons. Up, Down, Left and Right are the directions on the D-Pad.
All Characters Unlocked | X, Up, B, Down, Y, Left, START, Right, R, R, L, R, R, Down, Down, Up, Y, Y, Y, START, SELECT |
All Levels Unlocked (Story and Free Play) | Right, Up, R, L, X, Y, Right, Left, B, L, R, L, Down, Down, Up, Y, Y, X, X, B, B, Up, Up, L, R, START, SELECT |
All Extras Unlocked | Up, Down, L, R, L, R, L, Left, Right, X, X, Y, Y, B, B, L, Up, Down, L, R, L, R, Up, Up, Down, START, SELECT |
Start with 1,000,000 Studs | X, Y, B, B, Y, X, L, L, R, R, Up, Down, Left, Right, START, SELECT |
Start with 3,000,000 Studs | Up, Up, B, Down, Down, X, Left, Left, Y, L, R, L, R, B, Y, X, START, SELECT |