The Last Crusade - Level 2: Castle Rescue
True Adventurer: 35,000 studs |
Area 1: Castle Entrance
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
The level begins with Indy and Elsa in a small room in Castle Brunwald. Grab a sword from one of the suits of armor and throw it at the cable to open the gate. Go through. (The next hallway is technically a separate area, but I've included it in this section since both areas are small.)
![]() Cut the cable to open the gate. |
Several enemy soldiers are stationed in the next room. Run forward and to the right to take out the guy with the bazooka first. You can then pick up the bazooka he drops if you can reach it before it disappears. Then deal with the rest of the soldiers.
When the coast is clear, have Elsa climb onto the chest of drawers in the far left corner. From there she can jump straight up to reach artifact piece #1.
![]() Artifact piece (1/10). |
FREE PLAY: Use a character with an explosive weapon to destroy the 4 suits of armor with red shields. The first is in the small room where you start. The second is just outside that room on the left side of the hall. The third is in the room with the movable table and checkerboard floor, on the left side. To access the fourth, you'll need a Thuggee character to activate the Kali statue on the right side of that room. Doing so opens a secret door into a large side room. The fourth suit of armor with a red shield is inside on the left. When you blow it up artifact piece #2 appears nearby.
Go to the far corner of the room, smash the white chest of drawers and use the LEGO bits to build a crawlspace. Switch to a small-sized character and crawl through to emerge on the balcony above. Go to the right to get artifact piece #3.
![]() Smash the chest and build a crawlspace. |
![]() Artifact piece (3/10). |
PARCEL: Also in Free Play, use the Kali statue to enter the secret room, as described in the section above. You'll notice the mailbox inside on the left. After destroying the suit of armor with the red shield to get the second treasure chest, blow up the other suit of armor as well. Use the leftover LEGO bits to build a key mechanism. Turn it to lower a rope and grab onto it to open the door where the parcel is. Carry the parcel to the mailbox.
Later, while exploring Barnett College, go to the Mail Room and pay the postage due to claim your parcel. This particular package costs 100,000 studs and enables you to unlock the "Disarm Enemies" Extra. (See Parcels & Extras for more info.)
![]() Blow up the other suit of armor. |
![]() Build a crank and turn it to lower a rope. |
![]() Pull the rope to get the parcel. |
In the hallway where you fought the guards, push the table along the checkerboard floor to the right. Have Indy climb onto the table and jump over to the whip platform. Use the whip to pull the ring on the ceiling and open the window. Then grab the railing and jump through the open window into the next area.
![]() Push the table to the right and climb up. |
![]() Use the whip to open the window. |
Area 2: Rooftops [jump to top]
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
Whip swing across the gap and take out 2 enemy soldiers, one of whom has a bazooka. If you can manage to grab his weapon before it disappears, you can get artifact piece #4 now. If not, don't worry. You can always retrieve it later. (See the Free Play section below for details.)
Use the pile of bits to repair the bridge so Elsa can join Indy. Then have her jump onto the high ledge on the left. Smash the gargoyle and use the leftover bits to build a spinner. Push the green side of the spinner to move the crane into position above the whip platform. When you've positioned the crane correctly, a spotlight shines on the platform showing it's ready to use.
When you're finished in this area, switch back to Indy and whip swing across the gap, triggering a cut scene, which leads into the next area.
![]() Have Indy whip swing across the gap. |
![]() Fix the bridge so Elsa can cross. |
![]() Have Elsa jump up and smash the gargoyle. |
![]() Build a spinner. |
![]() Push the spinner to move the crane. |
FREE PLAY: It's possible to obtaining artifact piece #4 in Story Mode or Free Play, though the latter is easier.
In Story Mode, if you are able to get the enemy soldier's bazooka, stand at the edge of the roof, far enough back from the protruding ledge so you can target the silver box on the next ledge. Blow it up to make the treasure chest appear. Switch to Elsa, jump onto the first ledge and leap from there to the ledge with the treasure.
In Free Play, use a female character to jump onto the ledge with the gargoyle. Switch to a character with explosives to destroy the silver box. Then jump over to get the treasure chest.
![]() In Story Mode, use the enemy's bazooka to shoot the silver box. |
![]() Jump across to the artifact piece (4/10). |
![]() In Free Play it's easier to shoot from the ledge. |
Area 3: Burning Library [jump to top]
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
Now you control Indy and his father. Avoid the burning areas as you gather studs. Use Henry Jones Sr. to solve the hieroglyph puzzle. This opens a cabinet so you can grab some weapons and artifact piece #5.
Smash all of the furniture near the bookcase and use the remaining LEGO bits to build a ladder. Climb up, cross over the bookshelves and hop down on the other side of the flames.
![]() Use Henry Senior to solve the puzzle and get artifact piece (5/10). |
![]() Smash the furniture and build a ladder. |
Grab the dangling rope to open the curtain, revealing a golden suit of armor. Smash it and pick up its shield. There are 2 more suits of armor to the left. Add the shield to the suit on the left. Smash the lamp and use the bits to build a shield for the remaining suit of armor.
Pull the orange handle to make the armor on the left raise its shield. Then quickly, before the armor returns to its original position, jump to grab the rope, climb up and jump across the raised shields to the top of the bookcase on the left. If you don't make it in time, pull the orange handle and try again. Cross the bookshelves to the left and hop down near the fireplace.
Push the bookshelf with the orange handles to reveal another glyph puzzle. Use Henry Jones to solve it and change the nearby table into a spinner. Push the spinner to rotate the fireplace. Squeeze between the fireplace and the wall on either side.
![]() Push the bookcase into the wall. |
![]() Solve the glyph puzzle to convert the table into a spinner. |
![]() Turn the spinner to move the fireplace. |
FREE PLAY: Switch to a small-sized character and smash the books on the left to reveal a crawlspace. Crawl through onto the ledge above, where you'll find artifact piece #6 and a purple stud (worth 10,000!).
![]() Go through the crawlspace to get the purple stud and artifact piece (6/10). |
Area 4: Communications Room [jump to top]
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
Smash the enemy soldiers and break up the remaining furniture to find 2 small disks. Attach these to the cabinets on the right and use the pile of white bits to complete the loudspeaker system. Turn the crank to blast out a rousing military tune, which shatters the windows so you can exit.
FREE PLAY: If you like, you can skip all the building and simply shatter the glass using characters with glass-breaking ability or explosives.
![]() Smash everything to find the parts to repair the stereo. |
![]() Turn the crank to shatter the windows. |
Area 5: Wide Open Rooftop [jump to top]
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
When you emerge from the castle, a squad of enemy soldiers closes in. Among them is a Boss: The Enemy Radio Operator. The typical soldiers can be taken out with a punch or two. Some of them drop pistols or rifles, which you can pick up and use. The radio operator is tougher. When you've hit him a few times, he runs up the stairs. Follow and hit him some more until he runs off again. Deal with a few more regular soldiers near the top of the stairs and then go after the radio operator. You'll find him in the alcove on the right side of the upper level. When you finally defeat him, he drops a golden key.
![]() Fight the radio operator. |
![]() Follow him up the stairs. . . |
![]() . . . and into the alcove on the right. |
![]() Pick up the key drops. |
Return downstairs and use the key to activate the mechanism against the back wall. This sounds a siren. The door opens and several soldiers emerge, including an enemy officer, who throws grenades. When he falls apart, he drops his hat. Try and grab it before it disappears. If you don't succeed at first, sound the siren to summon another squad of soldiers and try again.
![]() Use the key to sound the siren. |
![]() Smash the officer who comes out and take his hat. |
Once you've obtained an enemy officer's hat, return upstairs, head to the left and go up the ramp to the guardhouse. Use the character with the enemy disguise to trick the guard into opening the gate.
FREE PLAY: If you have a character with an enemy uniform, you can skip the business of obtaining the key and stealing the hat.
Enter the small, fenced area beyond and use the key on the left to operate the freight elevator, which opens revealing a crate of bazookas. Grab one or both.
Step away from the metal gate on the left and use the bazooka to destroy it. Go through and jump across the gap to reach artifact piece #7 on the next ledge.
![]() Trick the guard at the upstairs gate. |
![]() Pull the lever to get a box of bazookas. |
![]() Blow up the metal gate. |
![]() Jump across to artifact piece (7/10). |
Return the way you came. Grab a fresh bazooka from the crate and return through the gate to the main area. Watch out for enemy soldiers as you move around this area. They continue to respawn as you explore.
At the top of the stairs, near where you fought the radio operator earlier, there's a wall covered in scaffolding. Use a bazooka to destroy the silver padlock securing the ladder so you can climb to the top of the scaffolding and get artifact piece #8.
![]() Blow up the padlock and climb the ladder to artifact piece (8/10). |
Continue to the right, past the alcove where you finished off the radio operator. Use the bazooka to blow up the gas canisters. This causes the antenna to tip over, forming a bridge so you can reach the area on the right.
NOTE: If you run out of rockets and the bazooka disappears, you can return through the gate on the left to get another one from the crate.
![]() Blow up the canisters. |
![]() Cross over the fallen antenna. |
Fight a few more soldiers. Then climb the dangling rope to the ledge above. Push the gargoyle off the checkerboard ledge to reveal artifact piece #9.
![]() Push the gargoyle off the ledge. |
![]() Artifact piece (9/10). |
If you're still wearing the enemy officer's hat, then you're set to go. If not, return across the antenna bridge and back down the stairs to the key mechanism. Use it to sound the siren again, alerting more enemies, so you can get another officer's hat. Put it on and return to the upper level, right side. Use your "disguise" to trick the guard in the booth into opening the door. Proceed to the next area.
![]() Wear an officer's hat to fool the guard so he opens the exit. |
Area 6: Exit [jump to top]
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
Use one of the bazookas from the previous area (or, if you're replaying the level in Free Play, any other explosive weapon) to destroy the silver chest near the entrance. Pick up the brown tile and use it to repair the glyph puzzle. Use Henry Jones to solve it, causing artifact piece #10 to appear.
![]() Blow up the silver chest. |
![]() Use the tile to repair the glyph puzzle. |
![]() Solve it to get artifact piece (10/10). |
When you're all finished here, push the chair along the checkerboard floor to reveal a secret staircase. This is the level exit.
BUG NOTE: If you're playing the PC version of the game and are unable to slide the chair across the floor, try reducing the screen resolution to the lowest setting (800x600) temporarily. On the consoles, try deactivating V-Sync in the video options. This should enable you to move the chair more easily. Afterward, you can return to the higher settings. Thanks to gummibaum2000 and pedbarbosa from the GameSpot Forums for these tips.
![]() Push the chair to the left. . . |
![]() . . . to reveal the exit. |
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