The Last Crusade - Level 4: Trouble in the Sky
True Adventurer: 80,000 studs |
Area 1: Zeppelin Cabin
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
Pull the lever on the right to open the curtain across the balcony, revealing the Boss: Colonel Vogel. He begins throwing chairs at your characters.
Meanwhile, enemy soldiers attack, including a few officers armed with grenades. They continue to respawn as long as you remain in this area. Deal with them as they appear but concentrate on Vogel.
To hit the colonel, grab one of the glass bottles from the tables on the left. Target Vogel and press Use to throw the bottle. Make sure you're not standing too close to the balcony or your bottle will smash against the rail instead of hitting its target. Continue pummeling Vogel with bottles until he's down to 2 hearts. At this point, he'll jump down to face you directly and you can finish him off.
![]() Pull the lever to open the curtain. |
![]() Grab a bottle from one of the tables. |
![]() Aim at Vogel and press Use to throw. |
![]() When you reduce his health to 2 hearts, he'll jump down so you can fight him. |
FREE PLAY: When the level starts, before the soldiers attack, go after a treasure chest. If you have Willie, use her here. Jump over the railing in the right foreground. Then scream to shatter the glass case and get artifact piece #1 inside.
If you haven't unlocked Willie yet, use any female character to vault over the railing. Then switch to someone with explosives to smash the case.
![]() Use a female to jump over the railing. Break the glass to get artifact piece (1/10). |
Area 2: Barnyard [jump to top]
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
In an action-packed cut scene our heroes crash land at a small farm. Smash the airplane wreckage to get the motor. Drop it on the green LEGO plate nearby and use the parts to build a fan. Jump into the updraft and ride it nd over the fence to the left.
![]() Smash the airplane to get the motor. |
![]() Drop the motor on the green plate and build a fan. |
![]() Use the updraft to fly over the fence. |
Stand Indy on the whip platform on the right and use his whip to pull the gate off its hinges, creating a ramp.
![]() Use the whip to pull down the gate. |
Move onto the other whip platform near the building and pull the ring to lower the ladder. Climb up and jump to grab the curved railing running around the tower roof. Climb around to the right and jump onto the roof of the next building. Smash the clock and rebuild it to get studs and a white cog.
Grab the cog and jump off the roof. Carry the cog up the ramp on the right (i.e., the one you made by pulling down the gate with your whip) an across the farmyard to the gate near the building next to the crashed plane. Use the cog to repair the lever and pull it to open the gate leading into the next yard.
FREE PLAY: After breaking and rebuilding the clock, as described above, jump down from the roof and use a character with explosives to blow up the silver cart on the left. Take the golden key left behind after the explosion and place it in the mechanism on the porch. Turn the key to change the time on the clock to 12:45, as indicated by the clue painted on the wall. The house door opens, revealing artifact piece #2.
![]() Use explosives to blow up the silver cart. |
![]() Find a key in the wreckage. |
![]() Use the key to set the clock to 12:45 and get artifact piece (2/10). |
When you enter the yard on the right, bombs begin to fall from above. When they land, you'll have a few seconds to leap out of the way before they detonate. Shortly after each bombardment, a squad of paratroopers drops in and you must fight them. These attacks continue as you explore this area.
Go around or over the various low walls to the water tower on the right. Stand on the whip platform under the tower and use Indy's whip to open the valve, spilling water, studs and a blue handle onto the ground. Carry the handle to the shed on the left and use it to open the door. Inside you'll find artifact piece #3.
NOTE: You may be able to get this treasure chest without opening the door, just by standing close to it. You'll miss the extra studs from the water tower and inside the shed, though.
![]() Use the whip beneath the water tower. |
![]() A handle drops out, along with a shower of studs. |
![]() Use the handle to open the shed on the left and get artifact piece (3/10). |
Go through the archway into the next yard to the right. Punch the door on the small, wooden tool shed to open it and get the shovel inside. Use it to excavate the sparkly patch of ground nearby, unearthing a lift platform. Pull the rope to start the lift moving and then ride it up to the roof.
Go around to the right edge of the roof. Jump to grab the dangling rope and swing over to the brown platform. It collapses almost immediately after you land on it; so quickly jump onto the wall on the right. If you don't make it the first time, just rebuild the brown platform, use the lift to get back up to the roof and try again.
When you drop down in the orchard on the other side of the wall, more enemy soldiers attack. Fight them and then explore the ruined building on the far right to find more studs. There's a ladder on the wall in case you missed anything and need to return to the farmyard on the left. The exit is through the archway in the background.
![]() The ladder on the left leads back to the farm. The exit is in the background. |
PARCEL: In Free Play, there's a tractor in this area that doesn't appear in Story Mode. It's parked near the red mailbox in the yard to the right of the water tower. Drive the tractor under the arch to the left. Now locate the 3 patches of greenery that have small, red mushrooms growing their centers and drive the tractor over them, causing a large mushroom to grow in each patch.
The first is in the foreground, near the water tower. The second is just to the left, near the shed where you found artifact piece #3. The third is farther to the left, next to the building nearest the plane wreck.
When you've unearthed each of the 3 mushrooms, jump off the tractor and smash them to get the parcel. Carry it back to the mailbox and send it home. If you're playing a co-op game, one player can drive the tractor while the other punches the mushrooms.
Later, when you've finished the level and returned to Barnett College, go to the Mail Room and pay 100,000 studs to unlock the "Treasure Magnet" Extra. (See Parcels & Extras for more info.)
Area 3: Second Barnyard with Car [jump to top]
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
As you move to the right along the road, more bombs and paratroopers continue to fall from the sky. Flee and fight when necessary as you explore this area.
FREE PLAY: Use a shovel or explosives to destroy the tan LEGO rock formation near the start of this section to reveal a crawlspace. Toggle to a small-sized character to get through. Artifact piece #4 is on the ledge above.
![]() Smash the rock with a shovel or explosives. |
![]() Use a small character to get through the crawlspace. |
![]() Artifact piece (4/10). |
The fancy car near the edge of the cliff needs repair before you can drive it out of here. Use the pile of LEGO auto parts nearby to partially fix the car. Smash the little cart in the foreground to get a steering wheel, which you can then add to the car as well. Now you'll need to find a wrench to finish the job.
![]() Add the loose parts to the LEGO car. |
![]() Smash the gray cart. . . |
![]() . . . to get a steering wheel for the car. |
Locate each of the 3 blue tractors in this area and smash them to get 3 LEGO machine parts. One of the tractors is near the fancy car. One is in the yard near the farmhouse. The third is a short distance along the road to the right.
Carry each of the 3 parts into the yard near the farmhouse and place it on one of the green plates to rebuild the button. Then stand on the button to extend a ladder so you can reach the wrench on the balcony. Use the wrench to repair the car. Now you can leave if you like, or take a few more minutes to retrieve some treasure chests.
Artifact piece #5 is in the shed near the farmhouse. To get it, grab one of the blue handles on the small cart near the barn and pull/push the cart to the right. When it is positioned beneath the small grain silo, it begins to fill with grain.
Move the cart back to the left. Now that it's full, you can use it for a boost to reach the upper floor of the barn. Pull the lever to open the shed door so you can get the treasure chest.
![]() Roll the small cart to the right. |
![]() Wait for it to fill with grain. |
![]() Push it back to the left and use it to jump into the hayloft. |
![]() Pull the lever to open the shed door, revealing artifact piece (5/10). |
Now return to the left, but instead of following the road back to where you entered this area, take the path that runs along the base of the cliff. Soon you'll come to a hieroglyph puzzle. Use Jones Sr. to solve the puzzle to extend a handrail that will enable to you to reach the higher rails above. Climb to the right and jump to reach artifact piece #6 hovering nearby.
![]() The upper path on the left leads to a glyph puzzle. |
![]() Solve it. Then climb the handrails to reach artifact piece (6/10). |
When you're ready to move on, get into the car you repaired and drive along the road to the right. Bombs continue to fall and more soldiers parachute down to try and stop you.
When you come to the broken bridge, get out and have Indy whip swing across the chasm to the other side. Smash the pallet and use the leftover bits to repair the bridge. Then drive the car across, crash through the fence and continue into the tunnel that leads to the next area.
![]() Whip swing across the gap near the broken bridge. |
![]() Smash the pallet and use the boards to fix the bridge. |
![]() Drive across and crash through the fence. |
Area 4: Beach [jump to top]
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
The icons at the top of the screen indicate bird strikes. In this area, you must find 3 flocks of seagulls and startle them so they fly away and get tangled up with the enemy aircraft that are dropping the bombs and paratroopers. Each successful bird strike brings down one of 3 enemy fighter planes.
You can no longer use the car, so follow the road on foot. As you descend to the beach, you'll meet 2 squads of enemy soldiers. Take care of them and continue downward.
The first flock of seagulls is sitting at the bottom of the hill. When you approach, the birds take flight, and a brief cut scene shows them bringing down one of the airplanes.
![]() When you approach the seagulls at the bottom of the path. . . |
![]() . . . they take off, bringing down one of the enemy aircraft. |
There are still 2 planes in the air. So watch out for bombs and paratroopers as you make your way along the beach to the right. Climb the ladder and jump to the stone ledge protruding from the cliff face on the left. Then climb to the right along the higher set of handrails to reach artifact piece #7.
![]() Climb the ladder to reach the handrails above. |
![]() Climb along the upper set of rails to reach artifact piece (7/10). |
After getting the artifact, your character should land on the ledge below. (If you fall, you can use the lower set of handrails to reach this same ledge.) Jump to grab the dangling vine on the right. Climb the vine and jump to the handrail on the right and from there to the next ledge. Smash the pallet for studs if you like. Then jump to the next handrail. Climb to the right and jump onto the next ledge, where you'll find the second flock of seagulls. The birds will fly off, causing the second fighter plane to crash.
Hop down from the ledge and go around to the right to find artifact piece #8 hidden behind a boulder near some brown shrubs.
There's also a half-buried plastic sand castle here, but you must find a shovel to dig it up. Head back along the beach to the left, watching out for enemy bombs and soldiers as you go. The first rickety, wooden shack you come to is empty. The shovel you need is leaning against the second shack. Grab it, return to the right and dig up the sand castle (1/3)—the first of several that will enable you to get artifact piece #9.
Go back to the left, past the wooden sheds, to find and dig up the next sand castle (2/3).
Now continue along the shore to the left. Dig up the next sparkling patch of sand to unearth a small treasure chest. Smack it to get the golden key inside. Use the key in the mechanism on the left to turn the wooden ramp into steps you can use to climb over the rock wall.
You may want to have the character who isn't digging pick up the key so the other character can hang onto the shovel, which I forgot to do in the screenshots below. ;) Otherwise, after using the key, go back to the right to get another shovel.
Dig up the sand castle (3/3) just beyond the rock wall. If you've found the other castles as well, artifact piece #9 appears here.
Now wade into the sea and follow the small stepping stones away from the castle toward the left foreground. (You can hop across the stones or just swim alongside them.) The stones lead to a rocky cove with small ledges running up a sheer cliff wall. Hop up these ledges to find artifact piece #10 on top of the cliff.
![]() Follow the stepping stones in the left foreground. |
![]() Soon you'll come to a secluded cove. |
![]() Climb the ledges to artifact piece (10/10). |
Jump down and head for the shipwreck in the background. Use the handrail on the side of the ship to reach the dangling rope. Climb to the top and jump into the crow's nest, where you'll find 2 purple studs (worth 10,000 each).
Then jump down onto the deck on the left, startling the third flock of seagulls. This causes the last enemy plane to crash and ends the level.
![]() To get into the wrecked ship, grab the rail and jump to the dangling rope. |
![]() Climb to the crow's nest to get 2 purple studs. Then jump down to startle the gulls. |
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