The Temple of Doom - Level 1: Shanghai Showdown
True Adventurer: 52,000 studs |
Area 1: Club Obi Wan
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
At the start of the level Indiana Jones has been poisoned by Lao Che. With Indy in this weakened state, you'll need to complete most of this section as Willie. She's a versatile character with both the high jump and glass-breaking abilities.
As you work your way around this area, various bad guys with guns appear. Smash them with your fists. Then, when any of them drops a gun, try to grab it for yourself.
In order to get out of here, you must find several diamonds and use them to bribe the four gangsters on the high ledges to get the antidote. Start by picking up the first diamond, which is sitting in plain sight on the table in the middle of the room. Carry it to the left side of the room and position Willie so she's targeting the gangster holding the antidote. (He's the one with the diamond icon above his head.) When you see the blue targeting reticule, press Use to throw him the diamond. He'll then toss the bottle of antidote across the room to one of the other bad guys. You'll need to get another diamond for him.
NOTE: The order in which you obtain the various diamonds doesn't matter, but the gangsters will always throw the antidote from one to another in the same sequence. A blue diamond symbol will appear next to each of the four round gangster portraits in the middle of the screen once you've thrown each man a gem (as shown in the screenshots below).
![]() Pick up the diamond (1/4). |
![]() Toss it to the second gangster on the right. |
To get artifact piece #1, go to the drum kit and roll the bass drum to the right. Then use it for a boost so Willie can reach the treasure chest. (Jump toward the front of the screen to get it.)
Move to the right side of the room and position Willie next to the glass case holding the second diamond. Press Use to make Willie scream and shatter the glass. Take the diamond and throw it to the gangster holding the antidote—on the ledge above and to the right. He'll toss the antidote to one of the thugs on the other side of the room.
![]() Move the bass drum to the right and use it to reach artifact piece (1/10). |
![]() Diamond (2/4). |
To get a diamond for him, return to the left side of the room. Stand Willie on one of the red buttons. Indy should automatically step on the other one, opening the cabinet between the buttons. Take the third diamond from inside and throw it to the man on the ledge above.
![]() Diamond (3/4). |
The last diamond is hidden among the balloons in the cage on the ceiling. Have Willie jump to grab the dangling rope to open the cage, letting the balloons fall to the floor. Run through the balloons to pop them and get the fourth diamond. Then toss it to the last gangster (Lao Che's son, Kao Kan), above on the right.
In a short cut scene, he throws down the antidote, which Indy just manages to catch. Indy swigs the antidote just in time, as Kao pulls out a machine gun and leaps down to the floor.
![]() Pull the rope to release the balloons. |
![]() Diamond (4/4). |
Don't bother fighting Kao Kan. He'll only riddle your characters with bullets, costing you precious studs. Instead, concentrate on getting the next treasure chest and getting out of there.
Go to the huge dragon's head on the stage and have each character stand on one of the red buttons. The dragon will open its mouth. Grab the shiny scimitar inside and move to the left side of the stage. Target the brass gong hanging beside the stage and throw the scimitar to cut it loose. (Actually, there are gongs on both sides of the stage and either one will do, but if you go to the right, Kao will be able to shoot you.)
![]() Step on the buttons to get the sword. |
![]() Target the gong and cut it loose. |
Approach the gong and press Free Tag to jump onto it. Steer the rolling gong just as you'd move a character or other vehicle. Avoid the steps in the far right corner of the room until you're ready to leave. This is the exit from this area and you can't return once you've left.
Roll around the room, smashing all the remaining tables to get studs. Be sure to destroy the 3 metal tables. Doing so makes artifact piece #2 appear in the middle of the room.
![]() Roll over the three metal tables. . . |
![]() . . . to reveal artifact piece (2/10). |
Also, if you haven't already picked it up in the course of running around the room, get the purple stud (worth 10,000) near the curved bar where the middle metal table was.
When you're all finished here, roll the gong up the steps in the far right corner and smash through the window to finish this area.
![]() Grab the purple stud. |
![]() Crash through the window to exit. |
Area 2: Back Alley [jump to top]
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
After the cut scene, you control Short Round as well as Indy and Wille. You'll need a couple of parts and a wrench to fix the broken car.
Switch to Short Round and smash the pile of furniture near the street corner on the right to reveal a crawlspace. Crawl through to emerge on the ledge above. (Only small-sized characters like Short Round can do this.) Grab the handrail, climb around the corner to the right and jump to the dangling rope. Swing and jump to the awning on the right. Bounce up and down a few times to gain some height and then jump over to the ledge on the right.
Smash the brown tubs and use the remaining LEGO bricks to build a small door, which swings open to reveal artifact piece #3.
Grab the first auto part on the left side of the ledge. Hop down and bring it to one of the green plates next to the car.
![]() Smash the furniture to get to the crawlspace. |
![]() Climb around to the right. |
![]() Bounce on the awning to reach the auto part. |
![]() Build a door to get artifact piece (3/10). |
![]() Carry the part to the green plate. |
Now, using either Indy or Short Round, go to the left corner of the street and use the dangling rope to climb onto the ledge above. Walk along the ledge toward the car. When you come to the gap with the blue-and-white awning, switch to Willie and have her jump to grab the rope that pulls down the awning. Switch back to the character on the ledge and jump across the awning to the next ledge. Continue to the second awning with a dangling rope, switch to Willie, pull down that awning and then switch back to the other character to cross it. Be sure to jump over the angled tile roof beyond the second awning; otherwise your character will slip back down to the ground. You'll find the second auto part on the corner ledge.
![]() Climb onto the ledge and go around the corner. |
![]() Use Willie to pull down the first awning. |
![]() Switch to Indy and jump across. |
![]() Repeat to reach the second auto part. |
Before grabbing the car part, go after a treasure chest: Jump from the corner ledge, where the auto part is, to the brownish awning on the right and from there to the next slightly higher awning. Bounce up and down a bit to gain some height and then jump to the higher awning in the right corner. Face left, bounce higher and jump over to the awning with artifact piece #4. From here, you can jump directly down to the ledge with the auto part.
![]() Jump across the awnings. |
![]() Artifact piece (4/10). |
Place the second auto part on the green plate near the car and use the stack of LEGO bricks to rebuild the car. When you do, the garage door down the street opens and a squad of gangsters emerges. Smash them to bits and then go into the garage where they came from.
Grab the wrench from the shelf on the left and use it to repair the car's engine. When you're ready to leave this area, have any character get into the car you repaired earlier and drive it through the big, wooden door directly behind it. (If you're redoing the level in Free Play, be sure to get the other three artifact pieces first.)
![]() Place the auto part on the green plate and build. |
![]() Use the wrench from the garage to fix the car. |
FREE PLAY: There are several artifact pieces in this area that can only be obtained using special abilities not available in Story Mode.
Go to the right end of the street and use a character with academic ability to solve the hieroglyph puzzle. Use the LEGO bits in the alcove behind the glyph panel to build a crank mechanism. Switch to a character equipped with explosives and destroy the silver canisters in the corner. Use the bits that remain to build a crawlspace. Switch to a small-sized character and go through to emerge on the ledge above. Then jump into the little bucket.
Switch to the other character and have him turn the key to move the bucket across the gap to the other ledge. Switch back to the small character, jump onto the ledge and collect artifact piece #5.
While you're in this area, you can also blow up the silver grating on the ground near the corner. Drop in and run to the far end of the trench and back to collect a bunch of studs.
![]() Destroy the grating to get the studs below. |
Now go to the left side of the intersection and climb the rope (the same one you used to reach the second auto part). Use a Thuggee character to activate the statue on the balcony. This causes the red balloon to float out over the street. Jump to grab onto its string and steer it down the street to the left. Float over to the awning with artifact piece #6 and drop down onto it.
![]() Use the Kali statue to move the balloon. |
![]() Get a lift to artifact piece (6/10). |
Hop down to the street and blow up the silver bars in the doorway. Behind it is an orange button. Switch to a character with the excavation ability to dig up the sparkly flower bed. Pick up the heavy block you unearth and place it on the pressure pad to reveal artifact piece #7.
![]() Blow up the bars. |
![]() Dig up the flower bed. |
![]() Place the block on the button to reveal artifact piece (7/10). |
Area 3: Airplane Hangar [jump to top]
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
Head to the left and take out a bunch of Lao Che's henchmen. Once you've dealt with them, you can explore freely.
Like the car, this airplane also needs a little work before it will fly. You'll need to find two boxes of parts to fix it. Start on the right, near the car. Use Willie to get up on the ledge with the checkerboard floor. Push the white crate off the edge. When it breaks, use the leftover parts to build a crawlspace.
Switch to Short Round, crawl through and pop out on the ledge above. Use the small handrail to reach the ledge above. Stand on the low, gray step on the right and jump up onto the ledge with artifact piece #8.
NOTE: It's possible to do this with Short Round, but if you're having trouble you can leave this artifact for now. Then return later in Free Play mode and switch to a female character to make the jump easily.
Hop back down onto the ledge and smash the white crates to find the first box of parts for the broken airplane. Carry it down off the ledge and place it on one of the green plates near the airplane.
Now head for the empty hangar bay to the left. Switch to Indy and climb the crates on the left to reach the handrail. Pull up onto the ledge above. Go to the end and jump the gap to grab the handrail on the back shelf. Pull up and go to the right end, where you'll find a whip platform. Whip swing across to the shelf on the right, where you'll find the second box of parts. Carry it back to the green plate near the airplane.
With both sets of parts on the pads, you'll be able to rebuild the airplane.
![]() Climb up and whip swing across the gap. . . |
![]() . . . to reach the second box of parts. |
![]() Place them on the plate and rebuild the plane. |
There are still a few loose ends to tie up, though. Head back to the left, switch to either Willie or Short Round, and get into the driver's seat of the forklift. Indy should automatically jump onto the pallet. Turn the forklift so the pallet is pointing toward the ledge with artifact piece #9. Then press the Use button to raise the pallet, with Indy on it. He should jump over to the ledge. Then just switch to Indy to claim the treasure chest.
![]() Use the forklift to reach artifact piece (9/10). |
PARCEL: In Free Play, use a character with explosives to destroy the silver box next to the roll-down door on the left wall. Inside you'll find a sword. Throw the sword to cut the red cable above the door and open it.
Inside is a weird looking contraption with two long arms and a central hub. Grab the rope dangling from one arm of the contraption to start the whole thing spinning. Switch to a female character and jump up onto the big, brown box in the foreground or use any character to climb the stairs to the ledge with the mailbox. Wait for one arm of the contraption to move toward you and jump onto it. Walk to the center to grab the parcel. Hop down, carry the parcel up to the mailbox and send it on it's way back to the college.
Later, when you've finished the level, go to the Mail Room in Barnett College and pay the postage due to claim your parcel. In this case, you may have to wait and save your studs for a while. The "Treasure x4" Extra costs 2,000,000 studs to unlock. (See Parcels & Extras for more info.)
![]() Blow up the metal box to get a sword. |
![]() Use the sword to cut the door cable. |
![]() Grab the rope to spin the contraption. |
![]() Jump onto it and grab the parcel. |
![]() Carry it to the mailbox. |
FREE PLAY: In the same side area as the parcel (above), there's an enemy guard post on the back wall. Change to a character wearing an enemy disguise, stand near the panel with the soldier's picture and press Use to knock. The guard will peek out, look your character over, and if he's dressed correctly, open the door to reveal artifact piece #10.
![]() Use an enemy uniform to fool the guard. |
![]() Artifact piece (10/10). |
When you're ready to go, return to the forklift. Again, have Willie or Short Round drive, while Indy stands on the pallet. Position the pallet close to one of the wooden ledges beside the airplane and raise it. Indy will jump onto the wooden ledge. Use the whip to start the propeller on the wing. Repeat the same process with the other wing propeller to get it moving and end the level.
![]() Use the forklift to raise Indy to each platform. Then whip the propellers to spin them. |
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