Last Crusade – Bonus Level 4: Castle Cave
True Adventurer: 26,000 studs
Bonus Level Characters: Henry Jones, Indiana Jones
Unlocks: Nothing
LEVEL ENTRANCE: Once you've unlocked the Zeppelin or Biplane, fly over Castle Brunwald and parachute down onto the upper level. Notice the green, V-shaped handles on the big LEGO horn. Push either of these handles in toward the other until the button on the horn turns red. Then jump up onto the button to blow the horn. This sets off an avalanche, revealing a cave in the hillside below. Hop down and enter the cave to start this Bonus Level. (Check the Hub Maps and/or Bonus Level Intro for details.)
Outside Area with Mud Pools
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
Smash the plants and shrubs in the starting area for studs. If the enemy solider on the right gets close, you may be able to use Indy's whip to smash him through the gate before you even open it. Otherwise, use Henry Jones to solve the hieroglyph puzzle to open the gate. Then fight the soldier.
![]() Try to whip the soldier on the other side of the gate before opening it. Then he can't hurt you. |
![]() Then use Henry Jones to solve the glyph puzzle and open the gate. |
Pick up the pistol this enemy drops and use it to shoot the 2 bull's-eye targets behind the moving platforms in the background. Shooting both targets lowers the gray platforms above the mud pool so you can use them to reach the center ledge with the chest full of swords. There is a gap between the platforms that you can fall through, so be sure to jump rather than run. Grab a sword and hop back to the ledge in the foreground.
Before using the sword to cut the cable and open the gate, you might want to try whipping the 2nd soldier on the other side through the gate. Then cut the cable and continue to the right.
The 3rd soldier, pacing behind the next gate to the right, probably won't approach the gate so you won't be able to get him with your whip. Ignore him for now and concentrate on shooting the 3 targets behind the spinning saws and moving platform on the other side of the mud pool. If you run out of ammo, pick up another pistol from the ground on the left. The pistols continue to respawn where the first 2 soldiers fell.
Shooting all 3 targets raises another moving platform in the mud pool. Carefully jump onto it as it rises up and then immediately hop over to the ledge with the chest full of golden keys before the platform disappears. Grab a key and jump back to the foreground ledge the same way.
Turn the key in the mechanism on the right to open the next gate. Quickly dispatch the soldier waiting inside. Then shoot the 2 other soldiers above on the left and right before they can do too much damage. You'll need to move to the right to aim at the soldier on the left and vice versa. And, again, the pistols dropped by the first 4 soldiers continue to respawn. So you can pick up another one if necessary.
When the coast is clear, shoot the 2 bull's-eye targets behind the spinning saw blades in the background beyond the mud pool. This can be a little tough since the saws move pretty quickly. It helps to aim at each target by holding the Attack button. Observe the color of the targeting reticule—red when you don't have a clear shot, white when you do—and fire just before the reticule turns white so the bullet has time to reach its target as the saws move apart.
Shooting these targets drains the mud from all the pools and fills them with water. It also lowers the gray platform above the pool. Hop onto it and use Indy's whip to pull the orange ring between the saw blades. This opens the next gate on the right.
Run through, smash the flowers and trees for studs and then climb onto the high corner ledge with the 2 horses. Mount up and guide the horse toward the gap above the pool on the left. Take a short run up and jump the gap at the brown ledges that look like the ends of what was once a bridge. If you fall, just return to the right, climb back up and try again. Repeat this for the next 2 gaps. (If you like, you can get off the horse between jumps and gather a few extra studs on each ledge.) In the process of making these long jumps, you'll also pick up the studs hovering in the air, including a purple stud near the far left ledge.
When you reach the leftmost ledge, maneuver the horse next to the high ledge with the Artifact and press Free Tag to jump from the horse's back onto the ledge.
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