Last Crusade – The Hub Map
The Last Crusade playset is inside the third crate from the left on the main menu. It's not accessible until you've completed the 5 Story Levels in the Temple of Doom.
When you start this hub, only a small area is accessible: the freighter Coronado in the middle of the ocean. As you progress through the Story Levels, more of the map will open up.
Level Entrances
As in previous hubs, the Story Level entrances are usually indicated by green arrows and Treasure Levels by gold arrows. Bonus Levels are usually hidden. In some cases, you'll need certain Characters or Vehicles to reach them. If you're having trouble figuring out where to go next, check the aerial maps below and/or refer to the Story Level, Treasure Level and Bonus Level introductions.
There is only one Super Bonus Level in each hub. In order to access it you must earn 10 Artifacts by beating each Treasure and Bonus Level. The artifacts are collected in one place on the map. When you have them all, use them to construct the level entrance. For details, see the Super Bonus Level page.
The game introduction includes some helpful notes on replaying levels.
WARNING: The information below, including hub maps, vehicle races and other events, CONTAINS SPOILERS. Do not scroll down if you don't want to see this info. Instead, use the links in the hub menu (above right) to skip to the section you want.
Hub Maps (Aerial Views)
R1-R5 – Races & Other Challenges V1-V9 – Vehicles |
Races & Other Challenges
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
SPEEDBOAT RACE: First unlock the Green Speedboat, which can be found near the entrance to the Venice Library Bonus Level. (See the V1 and B1 markers on the aerial maps, above, and/or the Vehicles page for details.) You could also use the Venice Speedboat (V2), but the green one is a bit faster and more maneuverable.
Before beginning the race, you must first open the gate at the top of the canal. To do this, enter the grounds of Castle Brunwald, as described in the 2nd Story Level introduction. On the ledge to the left of the entrance, is a little, green tree in a planter. Smash it to get a golden key. Carry the key outside the castle walls and down to the left toward the canal. Use it to turn the mechanism and open the gate so you'll be able to sail out into the channel.
The starting gate for this race is in the middle of the upper canal, between the Venice Library Bonus Level entrance and the ladder leading up to the paved road (R1 on the second aerial map above). Go through the gate from right to left, avoiding the red-and-silver mines if possible. If you hit 5 mines, your boat will be destroyed and you'll have to start over. Don't bother trying to destroy the mines ahead of time since they'll only respawn moments later.
From the start, continue upward, past another set of mines and on through the gate you opened with the key. Follow the narrow inlet up through the next set of race markers. As the inlet widens, steer around to the left between the next set of mines and the race markers beyond. Continue up and to the left, avoiding 2 more mines before passing through the next set of markers. Beyond them is a single mine. Steer around it and continue left to the next set of markers. Or, if you haven't taken much damage yet, just plow straight through the mine and on between the markers. Continue down and to the left, following the coastline and the floating line of studs, to find the second-to-last set of race markers. The finish line is just beyond them to the left.
The screenshots below show the starting and finish lines. If you need visuals for the entire course, just click the "More Screenshots" link below.
When you beat this race, the Librarian appears near the Venice Library Bonus Level entrance.
![]() Speedboat race starting line. |
![]() Speedboat race finish line. |
BIKE 'N SIDE RACE: The Bike 'n' Side (i.e., motorcycle with sidecar) is available after finishing the 2nd Story Level. Find it in front of Castle Brunwald (V4 on the maps above) and pay a mere 5,000 studs to unlock it. Crash through the gate on the right and you'll see the starting line for this race (R2 on the maps).
Go through the starting markers heading down and to the right. Cross the road, clearing the second set of race markers in the process, and drive down the embankment and between the third set of markers, which are located just above and to the right of the camouflaged bunker with the guard post. Curve down and to the left to find the next 2 sets of markers. Then follow the road to the left toward the Venice neighborhood, where you'll find the finish line.
The screenshots below show the starting and finish lines. If you need visuals for the entire course, just click the "More Screenshots" link below.
When you beat this race, the Army Jeep (V5) appears in the grassy area in front of the Super Bonus Level entrance.
![]() The starting gate is just outside the castle walls on the right. |
![]() After driving across the grass below and to the right of the castle, follow the road to the finish. |
BIPLANE RACE: After unlocking the Bazooka Trooper (see Characters) return to the desert island. This is a good time to blow up the silver bars securing the awning near the fountain in Venice, making it easier to get back onto the desert island from now on. (See the miscellaneous screenshots at the bottom of this page for details.)
You'll find the biplane anchored off the beach at the top left corner of the island, just beyond the 4th Level entrance (R3 in the 2nd aerial map above). Use the bazooka to blow up the metal parts on the red-and-white platform. Then turn the crank several times until the platform sinks below the water and you see the '?' icon above the plane, showing that it's now available to purchase.
Unlock the plane, hop in, and fly toward the bottom center of the hub map. You'll find the starting gate for this race between the small island with the tent and the Venice coastline. The course runs above the Venice neighborhood, right toward Castle Brunwald, then up toward the top of the map, out over the open sea and around to the left to the finish line.
The screenshots below show the starting and finish lines. If you need visuals for the entire course, just click the "More Screenshots" link below.
When you beat this race, the Enemy Pilot appears in the Berlin Courtyard, near the 3rd Story/Treasure Level entrance.
NOTE: You can also complete this race using the Zeppelin and still unlock the pilot character.
TARGET PRACTICE: After completing the 4th Story Level, get the Bazooka Trooper (see Characters) and return to the desert island. If you haven't already done so, this is a good time to blow up the silver bars securing the awning near the fountain in Venice, making it easier to get back onto the desert island from now on. (See the miscellaneous screenshots section at the bottom of this page.)
Before starting this challenge, it helps to clear a path. Use the bazooka to destroy up the blue-and-silver gate at the bottom right edge of the island. Then head up the hill and destroy the silver obstacles blocking the road.
Return to bottom of the island and stand between the palm trees and the opening in the rock wall leading into the canyon with the Tank. (It's marked R4 on the last aerial map, above, and also shown in the first screenshot below.) Fire the bazooka at the silver cylinder to the right. Destroying the cylinder reveals a statue and starts the challenge. A short cut scene then shows 4 more statues with silver cylinders rising up in various locations around the island. When the cut scene ends, you have about 35 seconds to destroy all 4 cylinders.
If you've started in the spot shown below, all you need to do is turn left to target the next 2 cylinders. If your targeting reticule is red, run a few steps closer to the target and try again. Once you've destroyed these 2 cylinders, run to the right, past the first statue, through the gate and up the hill. Continue along the road and stop just before the pile of boulders where the road splits. From here, you should be able to target the 2 remaining cylinders. One is just ahead on the right. The other is down the hill, just to the left of the 5th Level entrance.
If you don't make it in time, the challenge resets and you can try again, starting with the first cylinder near the gate. When you destroy the last statue, Colonel Vogel appears near the 4th Level entrance on the left side of the island.
NOTE: You can also complete this challenge using the Tank, but I found the character on foot much more maneuverable. Aiming the bazooka is also easier than the big, heavy tank.
The screenshots below show the locations of the 5 statues. If you need visuals for the entire sequence, just click the "More Screenshots" link below.
![]() To start this challenge, stand here and use the bazooka to blow up the silver cylinder. |
![]() Turn and destroy the 2 cylinders off to the left. |
![]() The 4th and 5th cylinders are shown here. |
CAMEL RACE: This race also takes place on the desert island at the top of the hub map. If you haven't already done so, you'll need to clear away a few obstacles before starting out. Using either the Bazooka Trooper or the Tank, follow the road along the right side of the island and destroy the metal obstacles and open the blue-and-silver gate. If you didn't break up the fruit stands on the left side of the island earlier, do that too.
Now to obtain a camel. Use a character with a sword (see Characters) to cut the cable securing the camel pen near the 5th Level entrance. Hop on a camel and ride up out of the canyon on the right side.
The starting line for this race is at the top of the island (R5 on the last aerial map above). Ride through from top to bottom and continue down the road that runs along the right side of the island, passing between the first 3 sets of race markers. Where the road splits, take the lower fork, passing through the blue-and-silver gate you opened earlier. Continue along the bottom edge of the island, then around toward the upper left, passing between the next 2 sets of markers. The finish line is just ahead, near the 4th Level entrance.
The screenshots below show the starting and finish lines. If you need visuals for the entire course, just click the "More Screenshots" link below.
When you beat this race, the Hatay King appears near the camel pen.
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
REACHING THE DESERT ISLAND AT THE TOP OF THE HUB MAP: Your characters arrive there automatically when you finish the 3rd Story Level. You can also swim around to the left side of the island and climb the ladder there. Or, once you've unlocked the Zeppelin, fly over the island and parachute down; or fly over the castle roof, drop onto it, and then ride the zip line from the green pole down to the island. To reset the zip line next time you want to use it, just step on the red button at the base of the green pole.
Once you unlock the Bazooka Trooper (see Characters), return to Venice and blow up the silver bars near the fountain in the square on the far left. Once the bars have been destroyed, you can use the awning here to jump over to the desert island any time.
CASTLE BRUNWALD: There are several cannons on the ramparts of Castle Brunwald. If you pick up the loose cannonballs lying nearby (one is hidden in a potted shrub; one is behind the barred window on the upper level and requires explosives to obtain) you can then smack the cannons to fire them. They explode spectacularly but don't seem to serve any real purpose.
There are more cannons on the castle roof. After unlocking the Bazooka Trooper, fly over the castle, parachute down and blow up the silver window to get the last cannonball.
![]() Load the silver cannon balls into the cannons on the castle walls. |
![]() Then smack each cannon to fire it. |
![]() Use the Bazooka Trooper to destroy the silver window on the castle roof to get the last cannonball. |
BERLIN COURTYARD: There are also 3 silver statues near the entrance to the 3rd Story/Treasure Level, which can be destroyed using explosives. Again, this seems to serve no purpose other than getting some extra studs.
In the area with the Zeppelin, there are some crates that can be smashed or blown up and rebuilt into a rocket, but when you pull the nearby lever to launch the rocket, it malfunctions, releasing a bouquet of flowers and some studs.
If you've discovered more about these features than I have, please let me know.
![]() Use the bazooka to destroy the silver statues for extra studs. |
![]() Inside the zeppelin area, destroy the crates and build a rocket. |
![]() Pull the handle to attempt to launch it. |
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