Raiders of the Lost Ark – Bonus Level 4: Bantu Wind

True Adventurer: 22,000 studs
Bonus Level Characters: Indiana Jones, Sallah
Unlocks: Nothing

LEVEL ENTRANCE: When you complete the 4th Story Level and move on to the 5th, Captain Katanga's ship, the Bantu Wind, will reposition itself near the small island with the canyon at the bottom of the hub map. Use the ladder on the side of the ship to climb out of the water. Then drop through the open hatch to enter the bonus level. (See the Hub Maps and Bonus Level Intro for details and screenshots.)

Another Egyptian Tomb with a Pool

(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)

Smash the plants and collect some studs. Then dig up the sparkling patch of floor on the left to unearth a ladder. Use it to climb onto the ledge above. Be sure to smash the small plant and pick up the purple stud in the back corner of this ledge. Use the dangling rope to swing across the gap to the right. Turn the crank to open the gate down below.

If you like, you can drop off the right side of this ledge, grab the handrail on the wall and jump over to the ledge in the background. There are various plants there that you can break up to get more studs.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Dig up a ladder near the start and use it to reach the ledge above.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Be sure to grab the purple stud at the back of the ledge.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Use the rope to swing across to the right.
LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Turn the crank to open the gate below.

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If you like, you can then drop down on the
right to gather more studs on the back ledge.

Then return to the area below the dangling rope, get on the bicycle and pedal through the gate you just opened into the next area on the right. Watch out for the flower bed with concealed spikes that pop up if you touch them. Drive over the big orange button to raise a bridge. Continue across the bridge, but watch out for more spiked flower beds on the other side. There's one straight ahead and another partially hidden along the wall in the foreground.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Return to the corner below the rope and get on the bicycle.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Drive through the gate you just opened.
Watch out for the concealed spikes!

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Drive onto the button to raise a bridge. Then continue across to the next ledge.
LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Again, take care to avoid the spikes in the flower beds.

Pass under the archway on the right and dig some LEGO bits out of the ground. Use the bits to build a ladder. Then have Indy climb up onto the ledge and whip the orange ring on the back wall to raise the ramp down below.

Return to the bicycle and drive it up the ramp onto the big orange button. This activates the moving platform above on the left. Use the small steps on either side of the button to reach the ledge above. Then jump onto the moving platform and from there to the ledge with the Artifact. You'll probably need to tap the Jump button twice to make the leap from the moving platform to the last ledge.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Dig up the sparkling area on the ground.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Use the bits to build a ladder.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Climb up and whip the orange ring to raise the ramp below.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Drive the bicycle up the ramp and onto the button to activate the moving platform on the left.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Hop across this platform to reach the Artifact.
Be sure to double-jump on that last big leap.
< < < Bonus Level 3 Return to the Hub Bonus Level 5 > > >