Raiders of the Lost Ark – Bonus Level 5: Submarine Base

True Adventurer: 15,000 studs
Bonus Level Characters: Indiana Jones, Jock
Unlocks: Nothing

LEVEL ENTRANCE: Once you've reached the island with the 5th Story Level entrance, use a character with explosives to blow up the silver-bound crate on the ledge on the left. Use the gold key inside to turn the nearby mechanism and open the gate below, releasing the U-Boat 26 vehicle so you can unlock it. Get in and steer the sub back toward the big island. As you approach, the gate at the water's edge will open. Drive through to enter this bonus level. (See the Hub Maps and Bonus Level Intro for details and screenshots.)

Another Egyptian Tomb with a Pool

(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)

Smash the plants near the start to allow the laser beams to strike their corresponding mirrors. This raises 2 of the ramps in the area ahead. Continue to the right, fight the 4 enemy soldiers pick up one of the pistols or machine guns they drop. Unlike most weapons, the machine guns don't fade away immediately. So you'll have plenty of time to grab them.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Smash the plants near the start so the lasers hit the mirrors, raising 2 ramps ahead.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Fight the enemy soldiers on the right.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Pick up one of the guns they drop.

Get on one of the bicycles near the start and drive up the ramp to the next level. Have Jock repair the motor to raise the third ramp. You can also jump on top of the motor to reach the ledge behind it. Then follow it to the right to get more studs. Once you've raised third ramp, drive up it and continue to the left and up the other ramp you raised earlier.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Then return to the bicycles. . .

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
. . . and drive up the first ramp to the landing.
LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Jump onto the motor to reach the ledge above, where there's a bunch of studs.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Then fix the motor to raise the next ramp.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Ride up to the landing on the left.

Smash the plants on this landing and use Indy's whip to pull the orange ring and raise the next 2 ramps. Ride the bike up those two ramps, hop off and fight the 3 soldiers on the levels above. (You can reach them on foot even with the remaining ramps still down.) Afterward, smash the plants on the right side of the second highest level and use the gun you picked up earlier to shoot the bull's-eye target. This raises the last 2 ramps.

Return to the bike, ride it all the way to the top and park on the big orange button to lower the spikes in front of the Artifact. Grab it and you're done.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Smash the plants.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Then use Indy's whip to pull the orange ring and raise the next 2 ramps.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Fight 3 more soldiers on the levels above.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Then smash the plants and shoot the target to raise the remaining ramps.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Drive the bicycle up the ramps and onto the orange button.
LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
This lowers the spikes so you can reach the Artifact.
< < < Bonus Level 4 Return to the Hub Super Bonus Level > > >