Raiders of the Lost Ark – Story Level 4: After the Ark

True Adventurer: 84,000 studs
Characters: Indiana Jones, Sallah (Desert)
Unlocks: Major Toht

LEVEL ENTRANCE: When you finish the 3rd Story Level, 2 enemy soldiers on horseback appear near the Map Room entrance. Use Indiana's whip to lasso each soldier and yank him off his horse. Then punch them to finish them off. More soldiers move in on foot. You can fight them to unlock the Enemy Soldier (Desert) character. Then approach the horses and press Free Tag to get on. Ride to the upper right corner of the big island and use the horses to jump the wide gap onto the next island. Position the horses on the 2 large, orange buttons to raise the bridge behind you and open the gate ahead. Ride through to start the next level.

Desert Village and Excavation Site

(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)

This is another driving level, in which you must destroy several waves of enemy vehicles in order to advance. Indy and Sallah begin on horseback. Horses are sweet and all, but they're not much use against trucks and Jeeps. So quickly switch to another vehicle. Remember, the enemy vehicles have red triangles above them. The vehicles you can use, have white triangles. Just ride in close and press Free Tag to carjack the one you want.

The first wave of enemies consists of 4 Jeeps with mounted guns. Destroy them by crashing into them with your own Jeep, just as you did in previous driving levels. Hitting them from the side or head on does more damage than ramming them from behind.

Again there are vehicle powerups placed here and there. Use them by driving through the glowing orbs and then pressing the Jump or Attack button to activate the powerup while it lasts. Green orbs are for a Jump boost, orange ones give a speed boost, blue ones power up the gun mounted on the Jeep. (This vehicle isn't available at first. It appears when you're fighting the third wave of enemies.)

When the 4 Jeeps have been taken out, the second group appears: 2 Jeeps with mounted guns and 2 trucks. In order to damage a truck, you'll need a truck. You should be able to find one if you want near the wide wooden bridge below and to the right of the village market. Once you've commandeered a truck, use it to crash into the enemy vehicles to destroy them.

The third wave consists of 2 trucks and 2 armored Jeeps. Jeeps with mounted guns are now available to you if you want one. You can find one circling the area. However, the truck works just fine here so there's no need to switch.

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You'll want to switch from horse to Jeep early on. So ride up to a Jeep with a white triangle icon
and press Free Tag to jump in.

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Ram the enemy Jeeps from the side or head on. The wide bridge below the camp is a good spot
to ambush them.

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For the second group of enemies, switch from the Jeep to the heavier truck.

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Use your truck to destroy the enemy Jeeps and trucks.

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You can continue using the truck for the third
group, 2 armored Jeeps and 2 trucks.

Once you've taken care of that group, the truck carrying the Ark appears. Crash into it once with your truck and it will move around to the road between the tents and the excavation site and stop there. The smoke billowing from its engine shows it's in trouble.

This is a great time to take a few minutes to gather studs, since you don't have to concentrate on fighting. There are lots to be had in the village and the excavation site. Also be sure to drive through the big tent on the left side of the road where the Ark truck stops. There are several valuable studs inside, including a purple stud.

Then, when you're ready to move on, return to the truck carrying the Ark. You can't destroy this truck, but once it's disabled, you'll notice that along with the red triangle icon indicating that it's an enemy vehicle, the truck now also has a white triangle, showing that you can take control of it. Move in close and press Free Tag to hop in.

At this point, Belloq's car races into the village. As you can probably tell from the auto icon with the 5 hearts at the top of the screen, you'll need to catch up to Belloq and ram his car five times. Each successful hit knocks out one of the car's hearts. When it's completely destroyed, a cut scene plays and the level is done.

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When the single truck carrying the Ark appears, crash into it once.

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It will move around to this position and stop.
Pull up alongside and jump into it.

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Once you're driving the truck carrying the Ark, Belloq's car appears.
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Crash into it 5 times to finish the level.
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