Raiders of the Lost Ark – Story Levels

The entrance to the next unplayed Story Level is almost always marked by a big green arrow. Sometimes the entrance is obvious. Sometimes you'll need to do something special in order to access it. If you're having trouble finding the next level entrance, check the screenshots below or refer to the Hub Maps.

(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)

Story Level 1 - Raven Rescue

The entrance to this level is directly in front of you when you start the Raiders hub. Just enter Marion's bar, The Raven, through the front door to begin.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Enter Marion's place to start the story.

Story Level 2 - Market Mayhem

After finishing the 1st Story Level, you'll unlock Marion. Head down the stairs and cross the bridge to the big, sandy island with the palm trees. At the top left corner of this island is a ledge with a flower icon on the ground below it. Have Marion jump onto the ledge and then grab the handrail above. This causes a golden key to fall onto the ground. Use it to turn the mechanism that opens the market gate, just a little below and to the left.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Use Marion to jump up and grab the handle to knock down the key.

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Unlock the marketplace doors and go inside.

Story Level 3 - Map Room Mystery

Beating the 2nd Story Level unlocks Sallah. Use him to dig out the sand around the base of the LEGO sphinx head in the middle of the big island. The head then rolls down onto the slab, breaking through into the map room below. Drop through the hole to enter the level.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Dig the sand away from the sphinx head. . .

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. . . which then rolls onto the LEGO slab.

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When the slab collapses, drop through the hole
into the map room.

Story Level 4 - After the Ark

When you finish the previous level, 2 enemy soldiers on horseback appear near the Map Room entrance. Use Indiana's whip to lasso each soldier and yank him off his horse. Then punch them to finish them off. More soldiers move in on foot. You can fight them to unlock the Enemy Soldier (Desert) character. Then approach the horses and press Free Tag to get on. Ride to the upper right corner of the big island and use the horses to jump the wide gap onto the next island. Position the horses on the 2 large, orange buttons to raise the bridge behind you and open the gate ahead. Ride through to start the next level.

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Use Indy's whip to tie up the mounted soldiers.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Drag them off their horses and punch them.

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Use the horses to jump over to the next island.

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Ride a horse onto each of the orange buttons to
raise the bridge and open the gate to the
next level.

Story Level 5 - Belloq Battle

After the previous Story Level, gate between the 4th level entrance and the dock is now open. Approach the downward-pointing green arrow at the edge of the dock. Smash the 2 brown crates and place the 2 LEGO parts inside on the green plate. Rebuild the winch, which will then pull Captain Katanga's ship in toward the dock. Jump onto the ship to sail to the next island on the left, where you'll find the entrance to the final Story Level.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
Smash the 2 brown crates on the dock and put the parts inside on the green plate.

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Rebuild the winch and it will pull the Bantu Wind toward the dock.

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Jump onto the ship to sail to the next island.
LEGO Indiana Jones 2 screenshot
The final Story Level entrance is at the back of
the canyon near the Ark.
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