Raiders of the Lost Ark – Story Level 2: Market Mayhem
True Adventurer: 13,000 studs
Characters: Indiana Jones, Sallah
Unlocks: Sallah, Masked Bandit
LEVEL ENTRANCE: Use Marion to reach the handrail above the ledge with the swirling flower icon at the top left corner of the big island. This causes a golden key to fall onto the ground. Use it to turn the mechanism that opens the market gate, just a little below and to the left. See the Hub Maps and Story Level Intro for details and screenshots.
Outdoor Marketplace
(Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.)
This is one of those levels where you must deal with several waves of enemies, whose portraits appear at the top of the screen and are grayed out as you beat each one. The first group includes 5 Masked Bandits. You can punch or whip them, but the quickest way to take them out is with Sallah's mighty shovel. It also comes in handy for smashing the tables, crates, jars and other LEGO objects to release the studs inside. If you're playing as Indy, you can also pick up and use one of the scimitars that the defeated bandits drop.
![]() To fight the first group of masked bandits, use Sallah's shovel. |
![]() Indy can fight with fists or whip, or pick up an enemy's dropped sword. |
When you've defeated the first 5 bandits, the second wave of enemies, 5 soldiers with pistols arrive in a truck on the left side of the market. The soldiers tend to stay over to the left, so this is a good time to explore the rest of the market to gather studs. When you come to the shiny jars in the lower middle of the market, watch out because one has a snake inside. Indiana's fear of snakes makes him useless here. So you'll have to switch to Sallah to smack it.
Several more bandits appear now as well. You'll need to fight them just to get them out of your way, but doing so does not advance the level.
When you've defeated the 5 soldiers, using your weapons of choice—shovel, fists, whip, sword or even one of the pistols the soldiers themselves drop—the third group arrives. In all, there are 8 soldiers with pistols, who emerge from the truck on the left, and 2 officers riding camels, who enter through the door on the right. As you fight them, more bandits appear as well.
Fight the 8 soldiers in tan uniforms like you did the others. To deal with the soldiers on camels, either lasso them with Indy's whip and pull them down off their mounts or throw a sword or one of the loose objects lying around (apples, bottles, etc.) at the camel to startle it and cause the soldier to fall off. If you stand on the low steps on the far right, the various enemies won't attack so you can get a good shot at the camels or their riders as they run past. Once you've knocked the soldiers down, you can fight them as usual, and the camels won't attack.
Once that group is defeated, the fourth wave arrives: 8 masked bandits enter through the door in the background, and 2 soldiers with rifles emerge onto the ledges flanking that door. Fight the bandits as you did before. Sword and shovel are probably the most effective here. To defeat the soldiers in black, first use Indy's whip to pull the orange rings under the ledges where they're standing. This collapses the ledges so the soldiers fall down and you can reach them. Don't bother trying to pick up their rifles since these weapons won't harm the next type of enemy.
The fifth and final wave consists of 5 bandit swordsmen. As the message on screen says, they can only be defeated using a sword. So if you don't already have one, run around until you find one of the regular masked bandits (the guys in blue and white), fight him and grab his sword when he drops it. Once you have a sword, run up to one of the black-robed bandits and attack. At first the swordsman will parry your attacks, but if you keep mashing the Attack button, you can disarm him. When he's lost his sword, hit him once more and he'll shatter. Repeat this tactic with the 2 other swordsmen on the ground.
To reach the 2 swordsmen on the ledge above the awnings, you'll need to extend the stairs on the right. First head for the alcove under where the swordsmen are standing. Grab a banana from one of the boxes and run back to the left. Throw the banana to the monkey sitting on the high ledge, and it will throw down a golden key. Use the key to turn the mechanism on the far right to raise a set of stairs, which you can then use to reach the awnings. Jump over to the ledge with the swordsmen and fight them with your own sword, as you did the others. When you beat them, the level ends.
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